View Full Version : Tingling when bang hand...

21-09-19, 00:41
I noticed when I tap the top of my hand with my phone or something else hard in a certain spot it almost gives a “funny bone” like sensation. This worries me and makes me think my nerves are over-active due to some disease. Does anyone have spots like this on their hand?

21-09-19, 01:05
You must be really bored.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
21-09-19, 01:55
Quoted from darkside's absurdly long thread:

"...please do not create a new one. When you have a diagnosis please PM me to re-open it." (Meaning the thread)

So should this thread be removed / closed?

21-09-19, 01:58
http://yoursmiles.org/psmile/med/p12012.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/p-med.php)

21-09-19, 09:16
You must be really bored.

Positive thoughts

Must be bored,lol.....Qualem blennum :D

21-09-19, 13:46
Sounds like an extreme case of Manus Horribilis.

21-09-19, 14:40
I’m more convinced than ever I have ALS. I need someone to please talk me through this. You’re welcome to PM me.

My right shin soreness / fatigue is as strong as ever. My left forearm elbow area is now twitching more than ever. My nerves seem hypersensitive and I feel like if I touch certain places even lightly I get a funny bone sensation. I believe this is evidence of hyper reflexia or some other nerve problem.

I have ALS. I know it.

21-09-19, 14:46
You've got ALS. Talking isn't really going to help much.

21-09-19, 14:57
You are still ignoring my posts and everyone else's replies so I am closing this thread and please do not create a new one. When you have a diagnosis please PM me to re-open it. Thanks

Positive thoughts

21-09-19, 15:38
If anyone is willing to talk through this without putting me down or ridiculing me please PM me :(