View Full Version : HIV worry... I need help guys I’m seriously freaking out!

22-09-19, 03:45
Hello everyone,

I had my first one night stand in January and we had sex with a condom and it broke. I know it broke because I felt skin while we were in the middle of doing it. He did not finish inside me though (I know, TMI) I was very drunk and obviously, I should have stopped it as soon as I felt it broke but I didn’t and now I’m worried sick that I have HIV. I actually got tested 15 days after, but I read in an article a couple weeks ago that a 4th generation test (which is what I took) can detect after three weeks. Of course after reading this I started looking up symptoms to hiv and that sent me on a full blown panic attack. Approximately 6-7 weeks after that night I developed a mild tiny red pimple like rash on my chest which I thought at the time was caused by amoxicillin because it has happened to me before. After reading symptoms on google, I now have convinced myself that the rash was early signs of hiv infection. I also remember getting dizzy a couple time during the course of the last couple months but I also have had this happened to me over the years. I don’t recall getting a sore throat, fever, ulcers or any other symptom but still, the fact that the timing of that night, and the rash just makes me feel like I am infected! I am so stressed I’m hardly sleeping or eating. I just recently found out I am pregnant and I know they’ll test me and I’m so scared that my baby is now sick and I’m scared my partner will also be sick because of me. ������ please guys give me some reassuring words. Btw, I have had health anxiety for a very very long time. This has had to be the worst I have ever felt.

22-09-19, 04:16
Do you have some reason to think that your partner in this particular encounter may have been HIV positive? I thought that wasn't common among heterosexual people in the US.

Anyway, you said you had this rash with Amoxicillin before, and the dizziness has happened before, so they are not new symptoms. And that's all you have for symptoms, so...:shrug:...doesn't seem likely at all.

22-09-19, 04:43
Well my partner now, no but that guy I was with one night I don’t have a clue. I honestly am probably worrying for no reason but that “why if” anxiety part of my brain is messing with my mind.

22-09-19, 04:46
I had an HIV test once. I had no reason to think I had it but I was freaking out before results come back negative.

Even if yous do have sex with an infected guy, it's still pretty difficult to get HIV.

Even if you do get HIV, which you won't, the drugs these days stop you getting sick. I know a few living with HIV and they seem fine and dandy. I'd willingly swap HIV for depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and all that shit.

You gotta do some serious humping preferably anal and completely wear down your immune system to catch HIV

22-09-19, 10:27
Well here I go.
I am living a healthy life with HIV.through no fault of my own.

Your HA needs too be addressed.

22-09-19, 14:23
Hey Quinn

Sorry to hear that but at the same time very noble of you to admit it. Can't imagine how awful it must of been when yous first found out. I for one think no differently about you because of it. Diabolical bad luck.

I'm not preaching here, honest, but anyone with time to waste should read book of Ecclisastes in Old Testament. He says life is totally meaningless whatever you do so do it anyway.

The HIV guys I know all say they got it through shared needles.

Don't forget tainted blood transfusion victims either

22-09-19, 14:53
Quinn, just want to thank you for being brave enough to say that. It shouldn't take bravery, but I'm sure it does because so many people still fear HIV from misinformation. I'm sorry to hear it though, and so glad you are doing well.

To the OP - the chances of a) the partner being HIV+, b) the condom actually splitting, and c) you catching HIV are incredibly low. Furthermore, HIV is not the death sentence it once was and there are many people with HIV who live completely normal, healthy lives, one of whom has posted in this thread. Treatments have come on leaps and bounds and many people living with HIV have a negative viral load, meaning the virus is not detectable. Have another test if you're worried but try not to overthink things. Congratulations on your pregnancy :)

22-09-19, 18:40
I had an HIV test once. I had no reason to think I had it but I was freaking out before results come back negative.

Even if yous do have sex with an infected guy, it's still pretty difficult to get HIV.

Even if you do get HIV, which you won't, the drugs these days stop you getting sick. I know a few living with HIV and they seem fine and dandy. I'd willingly swap HIV for depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and all that shit.

You gotta do some serious humping preferably anal and completely wear down your immune system to catch HIV

It sounds crazy, and while I know people are afraid of any disease, HIV treatment really has come a long way, to the point that medicine can virtually suppress it, with people expecting normal lifespan with treatment.

It's always good to be sure, and to know, but dont panic on this one OP.

22-09-19, 18:43
Swan said it better than I did - the odds of that person being HIV positive, and you catching it, are really low. Becoming a parent can make your natural tendency to worry go into overdrive.

23-09-19, 11:53
Quinn, just want to thank you for being brave enough to say that. It shouldn't take bravery, but I'm sure it does because so many people still fear HIV from misinformation. I'm sorry to hear it though, and so glad you are doing well.

To the OP - the chances of a) the partner being HIV+, b) the condom actually splitting, and c) you catching HIV are incredibly low. Furthermore, HIV is not the death sentence it once was and there are many people with HIV who live completely normal, healthy lives, one of whom has posted in this thread. Treatments have come on leaps and bounds and many people living with HIV have a negative viral load, meaning the virus is not detectable. Have another test if you're worried but try not to overthink things. Congratulations on your pregnancy :)

Thank You :hugs:

Your reply too the Op is spot on.