View Full Version : Do your anxiety headaches extend beyond the normal bands of tension headaches

22-09-19, 05:33
I realized tonight as I deal with piles of stress and anxiety that my headaches seem to even work their way around my eyes, behind my eyes and around my cheeks.

I have never really paid it much attention, but was wondering if your anxiety causes headaches or pains in odd places too?

22-09-19, 06:38
Sounds like classic migraine which is a bummer.

Look at YouTube and ways of massaging away headaches. Most of the time they work but like anything you gotta do regular.

22-09-19, 06:52
My migraines always seem to settle in around one eye socket and at the top of the cheekbone on the same side. Lebonvin's right, that's textbook migraine location.

24-09-19, 00:27
I only get headaches in the eye area (Just in the left eye and spreads out of that area)! It's horrid, I said it to my gp before and she said everyone has headaches (Or mirganie) in different points. All my family suffers really badly with migraines and none of us get it the same way- a strange old method my Mam told me was to place a semi cooled used tea bag over my eye as the heat would help sooth it lol x