View Full Version : Foamy urine -- Long-term NSAID usage

22-09-19, 19:19
I'm starting to freak myself out about this bubbly urine I notice I have. Googling it has made me worry that there may be too much protein in it.

I've looked back at some of the posts on here about it and it has helped put me at ease a little bit.

But the one thing that keeps me anxious, is the fact that I've been using Ibuprofen hardcore for over a decade because I get headaches nearly every day.

So I'm interested to see if this is a common thing for people on here. Does anyone use NSAID's almost every day for pain of some sort?

I am 31 so I wouldn't think it would catch up to me this early in my life. But I suppose it's possible.

22-09-19, 19:28
Does anyone use NSAID's almost every day for pain of some sort?

:emot-wave: I do and have for over ten years.

Positive thoughts

22-09-19, 19:36
Weird question I know, but do you get foamy urine?

Some of the threads I've seen on here seem to suggest that bubbly/foamy urine is very normal and common in overall healthy people. But it is an often cited 'symptom' of kidney damage.

Also, how much would you say you typically take in a day? For me it'll often get up around 600-800mg

22-09-19, 19:44
Nope.... And I take 600-800mg 2-3X a day.

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 05:13
My son who is 14 years old has had bubbly urine for a couple years now. It gets better when he drinks a lot of water but when I started noticing it, I took him to a specialist and they ran tests and he’s completely healthy. Try not to worry too much and stay away from ibuprofen, it’s terrible for your liver in the long run.

29-09-19, 02:46
I have taken 800 mg of ibuprofen every day for over 5 years. I have some bubbles in my urine. I have no idea if the two are connected. I just had a urinalysis two months ago, though, and everything was fine.

30-09-19, 02:47
I take 800mg of ibuprofen 3 to 4 everyday and have done so for many many years. I also sometimes have foam in my urine. I wasn't aware it could be a sign of anything or that it could be linked to long term NSAID's.

When I first noticed foam in my urine, I asked friends and family if they ever had it because I was curious and most of them said they had noticed it in their own urine sometimes and so I'm thinking it's a normal thing that happens. Almost everything that happens with the human body can be a sign of something but it doesn't mean when these things happen there is anything wrong.

Try not to worry, your okay :)