View Full Version : Pressure in abdominal/upper stomach

23-09-19, 02:50
I am battling through my anxiety. was taking Ativan for a year and half and wanted to get off. I have been off for 2 months. I went though itchy/burny skin phase that was actually attributed to histamine sensitivity. Well circle back to about a week ago I felt a pressure type feeling that would come and go right upper part of rib cage/abdominal. In addition, my abs feel tight and it almost feels hard to breath at times. Then I eat and feel full and when I take deep breath my abs get tight and more so on right side I get little pain in right rib cage with deep breath. OF course my brain says, liver/stomach/pancreas cancer. Is this feeling common with anxiety? Can your abs get tight and it make it feel like breathing is more difficult.
Thanks friends

23-09-19, 06:14

So sorry you're having a rough go with your anxiety. Did you come off of your medication on your own or was it doctor directed? Additionally, are you seeing a therapist as you're coming off your anxiety meds?

The symptoms you're experiencing are quite common with anxiety, particularly the tightness you're feeling in your abs. If you don't have appropriate anxiety coping strategies which you practice as you have gone off your medication, you may unconsciously be tightening your muscles when anxious. This is part of the fight or flight response to your anxiety and can create a host of aches and pains. If you aren't currently practicing any CBT strategies while off of medication, I would encourage to make an appointment with a therapist and begin working on that.

Best wishes.

06-10-19, 15:44
Hi there,
Currently experiencing this. It’s very uncomfortable and sometimes leads to nausea and vomiting if I eat a big meal ( even my stomach feels tight). Breathing is harder too. Pretty sure it’s due to tense muscles but you know how anxiety works...worried it might be so many other things!

Pea Tear Griffin
06-10-19, 16:14
I have had this before its caused by a tight muscle.