View Full Version : Pregnancy

23-09-07, 16:54
Hi guys

I would love to hear from any woman suffering from panic attacks who have been through pregnancy without problems.

I have been trying for a baby for 5 years and undergone IVF. I am about to go through it again but a big part of me is terrified of how I will cope if it works. It might sound stupid but I don't like the thought of something growing inside me that I cannot control once it's there. I desperately want to become a mum but am wondering if my fears could be stopping me from getting pregnant in the first place.

Does anyone have any success stories along this line. I would be really grateful to hear from you.



24-09-07, 09:28
Hi Angie

I am a fret-o-maniac and managed to get through pregnancy. Ok I have only had one baby and the though of another right now is daunting but I know I will go through it again and possibly a 3rd time.

I paniced through the pregnancy and it wasn't an easy one, there were a lot of problems, possible genetic complications which could have cropped up but they wouldn't know for sure. I have to say it was such an experiance because I couldn't control the situation it humbled me. I set myself milestones everytime I passed a milestone things could only get better. But when it came time to actually give birth everything which could have gone wrong went wrong, I was taken completely out of my comfort zone had to go in for an emergency c section.... BUT when they put the baby in your arms it outweighs all the panic in the world. My little Max is the reason for me wanting to get better. I still even miss him kicking in my tummy in the morning, it was wierd at first and freaked me out but it's a moment I seriously miss.

It's hard handing your body over to nature. But nature does a pretty darn good job. Plus I informed the midwives and people like that, I suffered from panic attaks so people were a lot more helpful. (sorry for waffeling)

Good luck and fingers crossed!

Take care,

24-09-07, 10:57
hi angie

i have had 2 babys and i have anx and panic all the time i was thinking about all that would go wrong ect .
my first baby i had so many probs i had a large cyst in my tummy and had to have an op at 5 months then she was born at 31 weeks and we lost her .
i went on to have my second baby i agane was very panicy and scared but all went ok i had a fab time but i was thinking i must make the most of it enjoy every min and that is what i did the birth was as good as it could of been and the pain well it seems nothing when you have that baby in your arms

good luck with it all hun:hugs:

jodie x

26-09-07, 17:12
Hi Angie

I'm glad you posted this! I have a daughter (pre-anxiety) and we want to try for another child. I am currently on Seroxat and want to come off because its not good for the baby.

I was wondering how anixety and/or meds affect things. I'm a natural worrier. I guess we all are to some extent and even though I didnt have anxiety before I always dreaded the scans in case something went wrong. Now I am so much more concerned about stuff I wonder how I would cope with the birth. A year after my daughter was born I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks and was devastated. But I know it happens to lots of people who go on to have healthy babies. The risk of loss doesnt stop the strong desire to have a baby. (I'm waffling now)

Still, its good to read your post. Thanks to Jane and Jodie for their reassurance too. We will need AI for any future attempt, and and though we are keeping it as minimal as possible(!), I wonder how I will cope. I feel quite strong at the moment. My life circumstances have improved along with my confidence. But I am still taking seroxat and wonder how I will cope without it!

26-09-07, 18:52

I have two children, the first time I wasn't suffering so bad with my panic and anxiety, it wasn't a great pregnancy and I had problems, but my son is now a very healthy six year old! The second time I was suffering with anxiety and panic etc, but to be honest during the pregnancy I had a reason for the aches and pains in my body as there was a baby growing inside me, so my health anxiety wasn't so bad! I must admit that it is a weird feeling having a baby move around in you, but it is also a comforting feeling as you know your little one is ok!!! It is only 9 months of your life and it is so worth it!! I had severe post natal after the first one, but I also think it was anxiety and panic attacks, but even though that was a black period in my life I was prepared to go through it again and the second time I was prepared and didn't get the severe postnal. I say go for it as to give into our fears mean that it has won!!!!

Good luck

Sarah xx