View Full Version : Peeing in the morning

23-09-19, 11:26
Every morning when I wake up I need to go to the toilet, I think this has only happened recently coz I never usually recall doing it.
During the night I dont wake up to go to the toilet and also my urine output is normal during the day.
I am very scared what this is. I am only 20


23-09-19, 11:28
It’s very normal. There’s only one person I know that doesn’t need the bathroom upon waking but will still pee before doing anything. I can put it off but it’s always my first task once I’m actually out of bed.

Positive vibes,


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23-09-19, 11:31
Agreeing with Mouse here - congratulations, you're a healthy human being!

23-09-19, 11:31
Just be thankful you don't need to get up once or twice in the night to take a leak

23-09-19, 11:32
This is what happens to everyone, everyday unless you are really dehydrated (then your pee will be dark yellow/orange). The body wakes up and kicks the kidneys and urinary tract into life. I drink water before bed so I go during the night as well ... all completely normal :)

23-09-19, 17:39
You have literally posted the most normal thing ever. I even wake up once a night and being doing it for as long as I can remember.

23-09-19, 17:53
I don' know anyone that wouldn't have a wee in the morning.

24-09-19, 21:15
Everyone pees in the morning it's our body's way of flushing out things if you don't pee in the morning it means you are severly dehydrated, heck I get up once a night to go pee and pee in the morning when I first wake up.

25-09-19, 08:00
Doesn't everyone pee in the morning? It's like the first thing I do every morning as does everyone in my house 😉