View Full Version : Post nasal drip & swollen turbinates.

Pea Tear Griffin
23-09-19, 14:06
Since late march this year I have been having constant post nasal drip during the day with one side of my nose being blocked at a time. ( It switches )

I happened to look up my nose and saw these pink / red looking bumps on either side they are on the outer part of my nostril ( the opposite side of the septum ) and seem to be a long swollen line that leads all the way back into my nostrils. For some reason the right one seems to be a bit bigger than the left on most days but they change size sometimes to very big nearly touching my septum and sometimes only a medium / small size.

I did Google ( yes I know :blush: ) and found they are called Turbinates and they swell because of allergies which I do suffer from hay fever but I would have thought it would have ended by now being near the end of September plus I don't really sneeze that much.

Has anyone else had this?

29-09-19, 06:50
I live in the United States. I have no idea what the weather’s been like where you live, but this has been a terrible year for my allergies. I seldom even need medication. This year I’ve been on nasal spray and oral tablets since April. And, the pollen just seems to keep coming.

I bet you are just having a high pollen season. Or, your allergies might be reacting to other stressors, like stress :winks:

Im sending good vibes your way. :bighug1:

29-09-19, 13:29
Did you happen to start a medication around the time that the drip started? There are some medications that can cause this.

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Pea Tear Griffin
06-10-19, 00:20
I live in the United States. I have no idea what the weather’s been like where you live, but this has been a terrible year for my allergies. I seldom even need medication. This year I’ve been on nasal spray and oral tablets since April. And, the pollen just seems to keep coming.

I bet you are just having a high pollen season. Or, your allergies might be reacting to other stressors, like stress :winks:

Im sending good vibes your way. :bighug1:

Hello Cptdebbie,

I'm in London ( UK ) and now you mention it we have had quite a bad pollen season according to several news places it has been one of the worst on record.

I did try the tablets but they never have done much for me so I might try a spray and see how that goes.

Lets hope we both find relief :yesyes:

Pea Tear Griffin
06-10-19, 00:22
Did you happen to start a medication around the time that the drip started? There are some medications that can cause this.

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Hello roseanxiety,

I don't take any medication at all so I guess that one is ruled out for me. :)