View Full Version : Brain worries again :’(

23-09-19, 17:11
I’ve sent myself in to a tail spin again today, and I’m wondering if some of this is unresolved grief etc. My grandma died of a brain haemorrhage years back and it was super scary. After she died I had head symptoms. But I did deal with my anxiety and for quite a while I didn’t worry. But then my daughters dad also had one but survived and that cemented my fear, anyways this stupid symptom I have I finally decided to google sometimes when I lie on my front I can hear almost like pressure or feel pressure in my head almost like feeling the blood moving there, anyway I googled (I know the worst idea ever) and a condition called pulsatile tinnitus came up and on one of the pages I said that rarely an anuyreseum (I know this is the incorrect spelling but I’m very anxious) can cause this. I don’t know if it is pulsitaile tinnitus though as it’s not a heart beat sound really but I freaked myself and now my mind is finding evidence that I do like the fact I get dizzy spells and had an episode of vertigo once in feb. Urgh I’ve been doing well this week and bang right back in the thick of health anxiety.

I wonder if some is grief that needs dealt with. But yeah this has made my health anxiety go hay wire again.


29-09-19, 06:44
I have pulsatile tinnitus. Doctors can usually tell by just listening to a vein in your neck if it is anything to worry about. I’ve had it for a long time, but I only got worried about it when it got pretty severe a few years ago.

I am okay. I bet you are too. You’d Have a lot more symptoms if you were having an aneurysm.