View Full Version : Doc said my Creatine Kinase was slightly elevated, now I'm in panic mode

23-09-19, 19:03
Blood test all came back normal but Creatine Kinase was slightly elevated, he asked if I didn weight lifting and I said no. He said to check in a few weeks.

I'm afraid i've done muscle damage to my heart muscles or my body. What do I do??

The only exercise I've had over the weekend is sex with my gf. But I'm only 29!

23-09-19, 20:05

23-09-19, 20:16
Slightly elevated is not a concern. There are several reasons it could be including certain meds and drinking alcohol.

Positive thoughts

23-09-19, 20:50
You make a good point, can sex do the same? My fatigue has been ongoing but when I last checked the cretine in July it was fine. I had a very heavy night on Friday which could have influenced the above. It's bad but it helps to an extent with the anxiety. Not saying this fatigue is no less affecting me but I'm not going to ignore everything.

23-09-19, 21:47
These things can be elevated by many things. I had ALT and AST elevated once due to exercise apparently. Had to repeat reading like you do. It would be best to ignore it.

24-09-19, 01:01
I want to share my experience. I had elevated ck levels to 11, 200. My family doctor called it rhabdomyalysis. I had pain in my legs and took myself to the ER that is how I found out. The only different thing that I had as a change was taking ssri and I was at my 6 week mark when I got this. My levels were still low enough that no kidney damage was found. I never really got a clear answer as to why it happened but after my hospitalization I ended up in a spiral.

What I learned about CK
It is not a blood test that is typically done as levels naturally go up and down with exercise.
If you see dark urine, cola colour (btw I did not have that issue), if you have muscle burning that does not go away after 4 days or you cannot move a limb or part if your body get to a hospital asap
Kidney damage typically starts when levels reach 100, 000
CK levels can increase to medications such as ssris, statins, exercise (big factor), drinking water after exercise and staying hydrated is important. Helps the kidneys flush.

At one point my CK levels went back up a bit in the mid 300s i freaked out and ran to the doctor. The doctor did not bat an eye to it, even if you are at a 1,000 they do not really do anything but tell you to drink water.

I know if you read on line it will start talking about neuro muscular diseases and so on. I went down that rabbit hole. Do not go there.

24-09-19, 03:43
I want to share my experience. I had elevated ck levels to 11, 200. My family doctor called it rhabdomyalysis. I had pain in my legs and took myself to the ER that is how I found out. The only different thing that I had as a change was taking ssri and I was at my 6 week mark when I got this. My levels were still low enough that no kidney damage was found. I never really got a clear answer as to why it happened but after my hospitalization I ended up in a spiral.

What I learned about CK
It is not a blood test that is typically done as levels naturally go up and down with exercise.
If you see dark urine, cola colour (btw I did not have that issue), if you have muscle burning that does not go away after 4 days or you cannot move a limb or part if your body get to a hospital asap
Kidney damage typically starts when levels reach 100, 000
CK levels can increase to medications such as ssris, statins, exercise (big factor), drinking water after exercise and staying hydrated is important. Helps the kidneys flush.

At one point my CK levels went back up a bit in the mid 300s i freaked out and ran to the doctor. The doctor did not bat an eye to it, even if you are at a 1,000 they do not really do anything but tell you to drink water.

I know if you read on line it will start talking about neuro muscular diseases and so on. I went down that rabbit hole. Do not go there.

I have had sore muscles for a few days/weeks but not burning. Thanks for the tip, I will have the doctor check again unless if it gets worse. Only thing im worried about is my thigh has been knotted since yesterday afternoon has not let up. I'm trying to think it's just a cramp and not a blood clot.

24-09-19, 04:11
Ate you on any medications? I originally thought it was a blood clot which made me go to the emergency. Just drink lots of water. Make sure you stay hydrated and if needed throw in an electrolyte.

When you say slightly elevated what was your number?
I would not worry much about it. After you might experience soreness, cramps and possible twitching depending how much your muscles are affected. You will be okay.

24-09-19, 14:49
Ate you on any medications? I originally thought it was a blood clot which made me go to the emergency. Just drink lots of water. Make sure you stay hydrated and if needed throw in an electrolyte.

When you say slightly elevated what was your number?
I would not worry much about it. After you might experience soreness, cramps and possible twitching depending how much your muscles are affected. You will be okay.

Got back from the doctors, he said the number just above normal around 454. And I need to drink lots of water. I think if it was an emergency I would probably be referred. I'm still worried about why it happened and my chest feels funny, but I'm putting it to just hearburn maybe. Hoping I'm not having a heart attack or anything.

Edit:I'm not on any meds.

24-09-19, 19:46
Do not worry about those numbers. You could of exhorted yourself a bit much. Also if you take a blood test next day after an activity it will produce higher numbers. This is why they want you to repeat the test. Before the next test do not exercise the day before and drink lots of water. Your body will bounce back. I went from 11200 to 6000 in a day then to somewhere in the 800 the 3rd day i was released with those numbers so really anything under a 1,000 is fine

25-09-19, 16:49
Do not worry about those numbers. You could of exhorted yourself a bit much. Also if you take a blood test next day after an activity it will produce higher numbers. This is why they want you to repeat the test. Before the next test do not exercise the day before and drink lots of water. Your body will bounce back. I went from 11200 to 6000 in a day then to somewhere in the 800 the 3rd day i was released with those numbers so really anything under a 1,000 is fine

Thanks I'll drink some litres to sort it out. Hopefully should be fine my chest feels funny at times but should be okay. Did you feel like that too?

25-09-19, 17:32
I will try, thanks for the advice. Did you get chest pains too?

25-09-19, 19:38
I had pains in my legs still do on and off. However, I am also on and off anxiety meds that my body does not agree with.

It is not unusual to have aches in muscles. Try not to worry about your numbers. Mine were fairly high and I was concerned to the point I allowed it to take 4 months out of my life with worry trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I also have other symptoms most likely pointing to ssris which my body does not tolerate.

I spoke to so many doctors and honestly anything under a 1,000 they do not pay attention to. They will tell you to drink water to repair, retest you and you will have them go down. Mine kept going down, elevated a bit, even went under. I had to test every 2 weeks for 2 months which put me into an obsessive state. Do not do this to yourself.

CK levels go up and down naturally, this is why it is not a common test.

Rhabdomyalysis is what can happen to anyone in my situation and mine was not even that bad. I heard from my doctor she had someone who needed to recover for 8 months, could barely walk just from statin use.

Whatever you do don't google anything and do not get worked up over your numbers. You will be completely fine. Just rest, drink lots of fluids.

03-10-19, 10:59
Do not worry about those numbers. You could of exhorted yourself a bit much. Also if you take a blood test next day after an activity it will produce higher numbers. This is why they want you to repeat the test. Before the next test do not exercise the day before and drink lots of water. Your body will bounce back. I went from 11200 to 6000 in a day then to somewhere in the 800 the 3rd day i was released with those numbers so really anything under a 1,000 is fine

Bro just an update, I'm still feeling like my muscles are breaking down. Now I'm breaking a sweat doing things. I had my neck scanned and said some lymh nodes were slightly enlarged said probably nothing sinister but might have an infection, so will go to the doc to investigate

03-10-19, 22:25
What do you mean by feeling like muscles are breaking down? Are you exercising? Do you have pain? Did you re-due your cpk test?

It is also common to have some pains after raised cpk levels even if they are slightly elevated. An infection might also cause muscle pain. It takes quite a while to bounce back from any small or large muscle breakdown depends on your own fitness level and giving it time to recover so no further damage is caused. Don't push yourself too hard if you go to the gym. Walking, swimming is great, don't go crazy with weights. Stay hydrated and incorporate some electrolytes or sea salt under your tongue if you are drinking lots of water.

04-10-19, 04:42
What do you mean by feeling like muscles are breaking down? Are you exercising? Do you have pain? Did you re-due your cpk test?

It is also common to have some pains after raised cpk levels even if they are slightly elevated. An infection might also cause muscle pain. It takes quite a while to bounce back from any small or large muscle breakdown depends on your own fitness level and giving it time to recover so no further damage is caused. Don't push yourself too hard if you go to the gym. Walking, swimming is great, don't go crazy with weights. Stay hydrated and incorporate some electrolytes or sea salt under your tongue if you are drinking lots of water.

Thanks, I mean that I have to break a sweat doing usual things. My muscles are sore all the time like I have exercised, even though I am not at the moment. I'm doing the test next week. It's not painful just feel like i have been doing weight and the muscles have not recovered. This has lead to generally not being optimal.

06-10-19, 00:35
You might still be in some recovery. I still feel like that as well. The muscles just got a bit weak. Have them test your cpk and do a full blood testing there are few other special tests they can do to check for muscle inflammation.

06-10-19, 23:14
You might still be in some recovery. I still feel like that as well. The muscles just got a bit weak. Have them test your cpk and do a full blood testing there are few other special tests they can do to check for muscle inflammation.

In my case, it always feels like i've just had a work out, alcohol and any other exercise (like sex) wear me out. Will get my cpk tested next week as it's 2 weeks i think. I what blood tests you mean? Like a full blood count, that was normal. I'm worried that this could be serious or that I'm not recovering. It's been too long now.

07-10-19, 03:44
There are special tests they can do for autoimmune conditions and further test your muscles. They are blood tests. I have a nerve/muscle study in November. I wish they could do a muscle biopsy.

07-10-19, 09:03
There are special tests they can do for autoimmune conditions and further test your muscles. They are blood tests. I have a nerve/muscle study in November. I wish they could do a muscle biopsy.

Thanks I'll look into it.

09-10-19, 10:00
There are special tests they can do for autoimmune conditions and further test your muscles. They are blood tests. I have a nerve/muscle study in November. I wish they could do a muscle biopsy.

I'm starting to get very worried about this. Still waiting ask my doc for bloods but worried I'm not being taken seriously. My body and legs especially just are not recovering. Even so much as jogging for the bus has me breathing and sweating. I'm 29 not an old man. Everyday it's getting more diffcult man

10-10-19, 01:48
It can take to recover did you repeat your blood test again?

11-10-19, 13:59
It can take to recover did you repeat your blood test again?

I've managed to get referred to a rheumatologist so will try rule out some things. As I said it's the same it doesn't help that I'm using my legs all that time. Anyway, I'm going for a blood test on Monday.

12-10-19, 15:20
Good luck on Monday push for those blood tests and reach out if you need to.

21-10-19, 14:35
Good luck on Monday push for those blood tests and reach out if you need to.

Just an update: it's gone down from around ~400 to ~300. I'm happy about that as it doesn't indicate anything sinister and most likely due to my own lifestyle. I will let you know when it improves. I guess I need to keep things easy for the next few weeks and hope it improves.

22-10-19, 00:38
Great news. Keep drinking that water. What also helps is electrolytes

02-02-20, 22:11
Hi all, I'm going through exactly this right now and my doctor has advised to repeat bloods in one month. This has helped calm me a bit although I'm also showing trace blood and protein in dipsticks as well as one sided back pain. I'll get on the water, cut the booze and loosen up on the weights! Hopefully I'll also improve x