View Full Version : Worried about type 1 diabetes...

23-09-19, 19:43
So yeah that's the latest. I have been through numerous diseases but whenever I latch onto a new disease I'm convinced that "it's for real this time" yet of course no one believes me because whenever you've supposedly had 10 heart attacks a brain tumour and ovarian cancer in the last 2 month's people soon start to ignore you and see you as some weird kind of attention seeker. Anyway I'm a 17 year old girl and right now I'm CONVINCED I have type 1 diabetes. At the moment I just have such a dry throat and mouth so constantly need a drink and I'm so worried it's diabetes. Of course this is causing me to urinate more because I'm drinking so much but then I'm worried about that as a diabetes symptom too. I'm not any more tired than usual, have no blurry vision, extra hunger or weight loss but I'm just so concerned that no one's taking me on. Any kind words of advice would be appreciated because it's really taking it's toll on me all this stress. I can feel my anciety flaring up again:(

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bin tenn
23-09-19, 22:12
As far as I know, untreated diabetes (whether type 1 or type 2) will usually cause more telling symptoms, such as becoming very ill. Have you talked to your doc about it?

23-09-19, 23:06
You can easily get tested if you are worried but I highly doubt you have it.

24-09-19, 23:43
Lots of things cause dry mouth, particularly some medications and of course anxiety. My niece's friend was diagnosed Type 1 as a child, and it was obvious there was something wrong. He was so tired, his parents thought he had the flu at first. He was thirsty, but that was hardly his only symptom.

25-09-19, 16:37
Most people are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes by age 14. It's not unheard of for it to happen later, but much less common. My brother was diagnosed at age 11 and he had many obvious symptoms - wetting the bed, losing weight, getting super hyper and also lethargic. My mom noticed it right away and had him tested. And excessive thirst means just that - EXCESSIVE. My cat also had diabetes and we figured it out because he went from hardly drinking water (he was never a big drinker) to going through 3+ bowls of water a day and filling the entire litter box in 24 hours. It wasn't just that he was more thirsty, it was absolutely excessive to almost a compulsive level.

04-10-19, 02:15
I have diabetes and agree that it’s not just being more thirsty or having a dry mouth, it’s extreme, unquestionable thirst. Before I was diagnosed I’d wake up with mouth sores from my mouth being so dry and it would last all day. I was drinking so much because I felt so horribly ill and I had a million other symptoms to go with it. It was never, ever a question of “oh wow I have some symptoms, maybe I have diabetes”, it was an undeniable fact that something was wrong.