View Full Version : Aching pain in armpit, groin and behind ears. Worried.

24-09-19, 00:54
Hello all

Ive had a nagging ache on my armpit for about a month, I dont feel a lump but I dont know what to look for. My doctor feeled around my armpit but couldnt feel anything, doc left it at that. The ache is now also on my groin upper leg and behind my ear. All on the left side. Im worried about cancer. Lymphoma. I have a cough and horse voice.

This started happening about a week after I was diagnosed with pericarditis.

Started a new job ive wanted around the same time so you can imagine how crappy my excitement has been. Cant see the doc again till october 4, havent seen the doc in 2 weeks.

Any advice?

24-09-19, 20:11
Forgot to add... my blood tests have been normal. WBC right in mid normal range. Same result after 3 tests, spread out.

What else is scary is around the same time ive developed around 20 cherry angionomas. Random around my body. Never had any before

02-10-19, 18:46
Still going on. Have a phone appt with doc tomorrow, hopefully can get an ultrasound of the armpit and groin... been going on for a month now, my anxiety and fear is creeping higher.

14-10-19, 20:26
Dr said to give it two more weeks, then if it continues i get referred to surgery department... that scares me... dr said reason is that she is not an expert at looking at lymph nodes. Eek. Pain is sporatic but has not decreased. Occasional pain in forarm near the bottom like bone pain almost. Idk, im just trying to maintain composure. Next update will be next week.

20-10-19, 06:43
Something just hit me. Ive had a bump about an inch below my elbow for months, i remeber looking at it 2 months ago, the pain is in my arm pit mostly but in my elbow and forearm too. Now im in full panic mode.