View Full Version : Worried about possible bcc/ skin cancer

03-08-19, 15:28
I’ve got a spot on my chest that has been there for around 2-3 months now.. when I first saw it it looked like a regular spot and it was red and quite big. I sometimes get spots on my chest because I use moisturiser but they always disappear. This one got smaller and less red but it’s still there.. it’s never bled and it isn’t scabby but I’m now starting to worry because it’s still there .. has anyone had similar?

03-08-19, 18:18
Definitely not something sinister as it’s gotten smaller and less red. Could be a little cyst or a boil they’re so annoying and take a while to go. I wouldn’t be too worried but if you wanted to go to the doctors he could give you a cream to speed up the healing process?? Or just wait it out and it should clear on it’s own.

03-08-19, 18:42
Thank you for your reply! I’m worried about it maybe being bcc because I have been burnt in the past on my chest - I know bcc is easily treatable but I still feel uneasy. It definitely got smaller than when it first appeared but it just seems to have stopped getting smaller - I was doing well not googling, but I did today :( it doesn’t really match any of the pictures and like I said it hasn’t bled or scabbed and it’s not itchy, but some symptoms say ‘spot that doesn’t go away’ which is what I have.
I’m doing cbt (just started) but I’m anxious to go to the doctors incase it makes me even worse and I have a fun event this week that I don’t want to ruin by going to the doctors before it incase they refer me.

03-08-19, 18:58
BCC really doesn't look like a spot in any meaningful sense, or at least mine never did.

03-08-19, 19:00
Honestly if only I could follow this myself but stop googling! I’ve had skin cancer worries for half my life or more (I’m now 26) and know that BBC is the best cancer to get it doesn’t spread it’s just a mutation of cells so if it is the worst case scenario and is a bcc they simply burn it off or snip it off done and dusted. Honestly I don’t think you have anything to worry about but I’ve put things off thinking the worst and when I’ve had them checked they’ve either been a super tiny ailment or nothing at all and I’d wish I’d gotten it checked sooner. Waiting another few weeks won’t make any difference so see how it goes and if it’s still bothering you bite the bullet and have someone take a look at it.

08-08-19, 22:29
Thank you both for your replies. I was waiting it out to see what happened. Because I picked at it and tried to squeeze it I made it bigger than it was and now it looks red with a shiny coating.. I managed to squeeze some kind of fluid out of it the other day but there’s still some kind of small lump/spot with a white top (not a whitehead) It’s not gotten bigger and it’s not bleeding etc, it’s just there.. I have booked an appointment for Tuesday with the doctor but I am a bit scared to go now probably because I’ve made it look worse than it originally was and now it looks likes more like a shiny nodule..

24-09-19, 12:58
Hi everyone
I have posted about this before, a while back and I was doing ok until these last few weeks..

I got a spot on my chest seemingly overnight around 4 months ago..I just presumed it was a regular angry red spot as I’ve had spots on my chest before from moisturiser/suncream/ exercise etc

However this one didn’t go away like my others have.. it did go down but only to a certain point. It doesn’t bleed on its own and it isn’t scabby or anything - it’s just a small round looking spot. I’ve not helped it over the months by trying to squeeze it because it looks like clear fluid would come out if I did but instead just a bit of blood comes out when I squeeze -it then makes it more red/angry looking until it calms down again.

Last month I asked a family member who has recently qualified as a junior doctor to take a look at it and she told me it was ‘just a spot’ even though I explained it had been there for ages. I felt relieved but since it’s been another month I can’t help but worry again and I’m constantly staring at it in the mirror. It’s never got worse on its own but I can’t understand why it’s still there even when I’ve left it untouched for weeks on end.

I have booked another appointment with a doctor but I’m quite worried now..I have been sunbunt in the past on my chest.

24-09-19, 13:38
Even if it were basal cell or squamous cell, 4 months is nothing as they both grow slowly. I know people who had basal cell for more than a decade before they had it removed. My mom just had a squamous cell removed that had been in her nose for a year. No problems at all. Ask to have it biopsied.

24-09-19, 15:14
Aww Rebecca I'm so sorry you're feeling this way again.

As someone who's also been preoccupied with skin cancer for the best part of the last 2 months, I understand how you feel. :(

I've had spots on my forehead which sound similar to what you have for about 2 months now. They do go down (I just keep prodding them!). It sounds like because you've been irritating it by squeezing it doesn't have time to heal properly. It honestly sounds harmless to me but if you're really worried you could ask to see a dermatologist. They can be a bit expensive but if it puts your mind at rest then it's worth it - it was for me.

Even if (and this is a very long shot as I'm sure you're fine!) you ever did find yourself with BCC, it's very treatable and is gone with surgery. My nan had one on her nose 20 years ago and has been fine ever since - you can't even notice the scar. :)

24-09-19, 17:17
I have re-opened your old post about this and merged it with the new one.

We would prefer you not to close posts so that you can add updates to them. Thanks

24-09-19, 23:30
I had something very similar to this a year or two ago. I got a red shiny bump on my chest, sort of near my shoulder, which wouldn't go away. It did look something like acne, bit wouldn't resolve. I did previously have a BCC on my face, so I went to see my dermatologist. Given my history, she opted to remove it, and it was just some sort of benign skin weirdness. I'd leave it alone for a while so it has a chance to heal properly, and then get it checked if it is still there, but I doubt it is BCC.

25-09-19, 09:37
Even if it were basal cell or squamous cell, 4 months is nothing as they both grow slowly. I know people who had basal cell for more than a decade before they had it removed. My mom just had a squamous cell removed that had been in her nose for a year. No problems at all. Ask to have it biopsied.

Agreed, I've had both BBC and SC (in situ), with no problems at all. BCC is easily removed by cryotherapy/

25-09-19, 10:53
Same here, I have had several of both removed from my head to toe,all were clear:yesyes:

25-09-19, 10:55
Another former BCC person here. I left mine to grow for five years and I was still fine!