View Full Version : Fearing the worst if someone is hiding information from you

24-09-19, 20:58
Does anyone else get anxious if you think someone is hiding some information from you? It makes me fear the worst.

My sister is currently in the middle of a fall-out with her husband, but she doesn't want to talk about it (ie what caused the fall-out) and that's making me feel nervous.
Over the last few years she has had several fallouts with her husband but then things would go back to normal after a few weeks - in all of those cases, she did confide in us.

For this latest fallout, things got so bad that even though they had booked to go on holiday abroad as a couple, my sister ended up going on her own. She refuses to talk about it with me or our mum. My mum called my sister last week after she'd got back from the holiday, but she said she was too tired to speak and that she would call back another time, but she didn't. So at the weekend, Mum and I called into the shop where she works, to see if she was ok. She didn't say much except that she would come round on Sunday. She did indeed come round ours on Sunday but she seemed very quiet and withdrawn - not her usual self. She didn't mention anything about the fallout with her husband, except to say "Even I don't know what's going on, so I have nothing to tell you about that." I'm concerned that she is hiding something from us.

Another example from a few months ago was when an online friend told me he had been to hospital, but didn't say why. I said to him that I won't ask the reason, but that I hope he's ok. However, I was secretly hoping that he would give me some idea of the reason he had gone to the hospital, as that would have put my mind at rest and stopped me catastrophsing. But logically I realised that I had no right to know the reason - it could have been something particularly sensitive or embarrassing, or it could have been something specifically to do with male health, in which case he probably wouldn't want to discuss it with a woman. I told myself that even if I did know what illness/injury he was being treated for, there is nothing I could do about it anyway. That helped me feel a bit better about it.