View Full Version : Melanoma/skin cancer worries

24-09-19, 23:32
24/M. Back in early June i noticed a red mark on my shin, a bit smaller than a pencil eraser. I remember at the time thinking that it sort of looked like a mole turning red/scaly (which concerned me), but don't recall ever having a mole there. With how severe my HA is I can say with a degree of certainty that if there had been a mole there i would have known about it, I'm aware of where virtually all the moles on my body are, particularly the ones that concern me more.

I put it to the back of my mind, but about a month later I noticed it now looked like a cut/scar, in terms of size if anything it looked a little smaller. It did have a scar like appearance, and looked a bit 'shiny' but with a pinky red colour. It stayed pretty much the same over the next couple of months. I remained suspicious over this period. I went to the doctor last week and showed it to him - he very quickly glanced at it and said 'it looks like a scar' and moved on. Now, it does not look red at all, it still looks a little scar like in its texture, however, it is now a very pale brown and looks quite a lot like a mole which has worried me.

I'm now thinking has the doctor dismissed it when it could have been a mole all along, and presumably if it was a mole it would not be normal for it to tun big red and scaly, before turning scar like and pale brown. Would it be possible for a melanoma to present in this way?

On a separate not, on the other shin, I have my whole life had a slightly odd shaped but otherwise normal mole. I have had it checked by doctors a few times over the years and they have always insisted that it was fine. Over the past 12 months or so it has very gradually started to shrink and fade away. It is a little bit paler than it used to be, it's border appears a little more 'blurred' and it's perhaps a 1/3 smaller than it originally was. I've read that moles can shrink at my age, but that they are often accompanied by a 'halo', i can definitively say this mole does not, and never has had at any point, a halo, but is definitely very slowly shrinking and fading. Is this normal without a halo or could this meet the 'evolution' box of ABCDE and warrant a look. I meant to mention this at the same time as the above to the doctor, but felt very rushed by him and forgot.

I would be grateful for any advice or opinions. I have been prescribed treatment for my HA.

25-09-19, 20:25

25-09-19, 21:07
Doctor checked you and said that you are fine. Stop doing self checking as you are not a doctor so you can't diagnose yourself properly and Google is not helping either.

26-09-19, 23:03
Doctor checked you and said that you are fine. Stop doing self checking as you are not a doctor so you can't diagnose yourself properly and Google is not helping either.

Thank you for your response Hypo84, I know logically with the first issue that the doctor has seen it, but the way he rushed and was almost dismissive prompts the response in a HA sufferer of - have they just brushed it aside? have they considered the rarer presentations of melanoma e.g. amelanotic? Then of course, with regards to the second issue, because it didn't get mentioned the mind fixates.

Though HA is obviously the main underlying issue, I think a lot of my melanoma fears stem from a story of an old friend. His Mother is a very senior GP, and I remember he once casually remarked that a melanoma can be terminal within 6 months - which though said casually is the stuff of nightmares for a HA sufferer (unbeknownst to him). There is as a result of this the fear that the one abnormality of the skin, or mole, that you either forget about thinking 'it's nothing' or that the doctor brushes aside, could be the one that's a death sentence within a matter of months.

27-09-19, 00:10
You have to learn to live with odds. Nothing is 100% certain in life but what is more likely, you having some rare form of melanoma and doctor missing it or that you are misdiagnosing yourself due to HA and too much Googling?

And what if's are not helping. I mean, how come you are not scared to leave the house because car might kill you on the way to store? And if you say that is not likely to happen, well you having a rare form of melanoma is even less likely and you are still scared.

29-09-19, 20:18
You have to learn to live with odds. Nothing is 100% certain in life but what is more likely, you having some rare form of melanoma and doctor missing it or that you are misdiagnosing yourself due to HA and too much Googling?

And what if's are not helping. I mean, how come you are not scared to leave the house because car might kill you on the way to store? And if you say that is not likely to happen, well you having a rare form of melanoma is even less likely and you are still scared.

Thanks for your response Hypo84. I completely agree and know logically that your perspective on this is correct, I guess half the problem is that with HA logic has a tendency to go out the window and the mind fixates on the worst possible scenario - irrespective of how improbable.

29-09-19, 20:24
Thanks for your response Hypo84. I completely agree and know logically that your perspective on this is correct, I guess half the problem is that with HA logic has a tendency to go out the window and the mind fixates on the worst possible scenario - irrespective of how improbable.

This is true BUT... there has to come a time when you challenge those thoughts and say piss off as opposed to posting for reassurance.

Positive thoughts

29-09-19, 21:50
My therapist says something similar that Fishmanpa said above. You need to be angry at your irrational way of thinking and literally say to it: "**** off".

02-10-19, 12:18
Thanks Fishmanpa and Hypo84, I hope that in time that will be my standard response rather than endless worry.

25-11-19, 18:10
I have been on Citalopram for my HA for about 3 weeks now, though still waiting for it to 'kick in'. In the meantime I'm really struggling to push out certain specific HA worries. In particular I am worried about a mark on my leg, and whether or not it could be 'amelanotic melanoma'. I can't get a medical report I read about such melanoma from a couple of months ago out of my mind.

I have posted about the mark on here before, it started as a red mark on my shin back in June, kind of looked like a cut, or a mole that had turned red/scaly - though I dont recall ever having a mole there. Over the following 6 months it has gotten smaller and less prominent, fading from red to pink to now almost looking like a faint brown mole kind of colour. It still has a shiny/scaly appearance when looking up close. I went to the doctor in September and he very quickly dismissed it and said it looked like a scar (despite no recollection of injury there).

The reason for this post is the medical report that I read about amelanotic melanoma. It stated that it is very commonly misdiagnosed (60% of the time) by GP's, and can be red/pink/brown and look like a scar. I know that not being reassured by a doctor is a hallmark of HA but I just cannot get the report out of my mind, and keep thinking how my GP dismissing it as a scar seemingly matches what the report said. Like I say, I am trying to get on top of my HA, and have been on medication, but in the meantime until it takes effect, I can't shake the fear and worry.

Does anyone have any advice/opinions/knowledge of amelanotic melanoma etc?

25-11-19, 19:07
Stop reading articles and medical reports about stuff like that, all your accomplishing is convincing yourself you have an illness you don’t have.

You saw the dr already and he/she was not concerned. They are the ones who went to school and have the knowledge about this type of stuff.

25-11-19, 19:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-11-19, 12:03
Stop reading articles and medical reports about stuff like that, all your accomplishing is convincing yourself you have an illness you don’t have.

You saw the dr already and he/she was not concerned. They are the ones who went to school and have the knowledge about this type of stuff.

Careful1 - Thanks for your response. I do try to avoid medical reports as I know it only makes things worse - problem with this one is I already read it a while ago but cannot erase it from my mind.