View Full Version : Natural blind spot causes me to panic

25-09-19, 16:22
To update my story. I’ve been worried about my eyes since being referred for a field test result at the opticians last December. I was told I’d ‘lost some peripheral vision’ which scarred me senseless. An ophthalmologist has since reviewed my eyes and is convinced it’s not glaucoma because he can’t find any evidence of it, and my eye pressure is never high, but a simple effect of my shortsightedness he calls ‘tilted discs’ which can cause some ‘field effects’ but which won’t get worse. I’ve even had a follow up field test 5 months later with nothing getting worse (actually they were slightly better than in feb) but the anxiety continues.

My trigger is that, because I’ve become obsessed with my eyesight, I’ve noticed the ‘natural’ blind spot that everyone had in both eyes, I actually thought initially that it was the blind spot that I’d been told I had! I didn’t know everyone had them!

Whenever I see that (because my nose gets in the way) and I’m looking left or right, or downwards, I get a massive rush of Adrenalin, heat through my body and my brain goes into overdrive. It’s so weird to see things disappear in my vision. There is no real logic behind it, since I’ve been told it’s a ‘natural thing’ and I can’t see it with both eyes focused anyway forwards anyway, but it causes panic in me nonetheless.

Does anybody else see this and get scared, or am I alone in my panicky world?!

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26-09-19, 03:29
I don’t have that but i am always anxious about my eyes so i know how you feel. The doctor said it’s normal so try not to worry.

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29-09-19, 02:43
You are definitely not alone. I have not noticed my blind spot. That would definitely scare me too. There are so many other things about my body, though, that I am just now discovering. My son told me that I should just assume these things I discover are normal. It's super hard though!!

I'm sending good thoughts your way!!!