View Full Version : Smelling smoke

26-09-19, 08:29
Anyone else had this? I’m particularly anxious atm, I can smell smoke not just at home so it’s not in the environment and no one else can smell it, I’ve been a bit sneezy - thing is I seem to rarely get minor ailments like colds and stuff that I can put these things down to and bloody google says brain tumor - my partner says he has had it before and it just went away and I have to say I had it a couple years ago and it just went away but HA is making me panic!

26-09-19, 12:29
google says brain tumor -

^^^ do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

I have randomly smelled smoke for well over 5 years, I DON'T have a brain tumor. If I were to guess, it has something to do with my sinuses but I will never know for sure and who cares?

Only you can stop the insanity.

bin tenn
26-09-19, 13:15
^^^ do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

I have randomly smelled smoke for well over 5 years, I DON'T have a brain tumor. If I were to guess, it has something to do with my sinuses but I will never know for sure and who cares?

Only you can stop the insanity.

I agree. I smell different things all the time, and I can even sort of smell things just by thinking about them.

26-09-19, 18:13
Olfactory hallucinations can come from stress, actual smells in passing, and a hundred other things. Anxiety brain just takes the well known brain tumor and stroke thing and runs with it. I have them all the time, so far, almost 50 and not dead yet. Knock on wood.

28-09-19, 11:28
Phantom smells from brain tumours are caused by seizures, not the tumour itself. When they happen, due to seizures, the smell is intense. It will completely overwhelm your senses and it would be as if the item/thing causing the smell is wedged in your throat (you'd also "taste" it). It would also be accompanied by other symptoms such as rising sensation in stomach, vertigo, word finding inability etc. It would be happening several times a day (minimum) and would leave you feeling very out of it afterwards.

Brain tumours were my #1 fear until early this year (since then I never think about them now) and I've researched the condition and associated symptoms very​ heavily.

29-09-19, 13:44
Problem is I do feel it in my throat and almost taste it, makes me cough sometimes, I hate the feeling of being in a smoky room. I don’t feel out of it etc but I do get it intermittently all day ! Still think it’s nothing or I should talk to doctor?

15-10-19, 02:53
I’m the same. Did this ever go away for you?

15-10-19, 17:11
Yes it went x

18-10-19, 15:59
Omf! I get this all the time and I think I'm going crazy I have to ask other people if they can smell it too but I found out that sinus can cause this. If you're sneezing too it's most likely related to the sinus. Google will tell you the worst thing imagine but just remember Google isn't a doctor lol hope you feel better soon

22-10-19, 21:03
I got this a couple of years ago and it lasted months. I've read it can be hormone related and as I am peri-menopausal, I put it down to that. I remember worrying myself sick about it being a brain tumour, then it just stopped!