View Full Version : Shadow cloud, ghost or boyfriends hair

27-09-19, 19:03
So this may be my weirdest post yet but half asleep last night I rolled over and saw a shadow on corner of my eye. 'it' went when I blinked and as I looked more and more it was shape of my boyfriend's hair line and it WAS in the exact eyeline of where his hair was but my anxiety thinks it was a ghost or bad entity and even worrying I'll become schizophrenic by seeing them all the time.

27-09-19, 19:34
Best to use a bit of Common Sense Therapy here, helen?

27-09-19, 19:41
Any update on the therapy yet? Why is it taking so long?

Gary A
27-09-19, 20:38
Good lord, are you still doing this bit? Random questions about utter nothingness?

Still with the whole “ I’m on the waiting list” as well?

One day I hope you get bored with this game, I really do.

27-09-19, 20:48
even worrying I'll become schizophrenic by seeing them all the time.

You can't catch schizophrenia.

You're thinking of herpes.

27-09-19, 21:38
I had my initial call, interview, they referred me for high intensity and waiting on letter to do a the above for that.

I'm scared to look in shadows now incase I see it again.

27-09-19, 21:39
Well you can't stop looking in shadows so you will have to deal with that I am afraid.

27-09-19, 22:15
'it' went when I blinked and as I looked more and more it was shape of my boyfriend's hair line

SO, you blinked and it went but you looked more and more - so which was it ? It disappeared after one blink, or was there for ages so you could look more and more. If 'entities' exist, I bet they don't come back in the form a 'hairline'. :roflmao:(So, Mr Ghostly-McGhoulie, which hairline would you like to be whilst roaming the earth for eternity? Oh, I think I'll go for a 'Buddy Holly', that'll have people quaking!)

Talk about making something out of nothing, half-asleep you saw a shape in a shadow that looked like your boyfriend's hairline..and now you are scared ? Sorry, but so what if a shadow was the shape of your boyfriend's hairline, I mean so what....besides in the darkness anyone can see shapes and things that look strange.

Gary A
27-09-19, 22:48
I had my initial call, interview, they referred me for high intensity and waiting on letter to do a the above for that.

I'm scared to look in shadows now incase I see it again.

This must be about the 15th “initial call” you’ve had. You never quite seem to get that ever elusive therapy. The fact you’ve been playing this same game for years now and have still never been diagnosed with a particular anxiety disorder is, quite frankly, unbelievable.

28-09-19, 00:47
Even if it were a ghost they do not harm you I lived in a haunted house and am a paranormal investigator for 22 years now. It was mostly likely boyfriends hair or eyes playing tricks which is also normal.

28-09-19, 02:01

Remember what we have said several times about even having a hallunication during those sleep stages? Every human being gets them and they are indicative of nothing as they are just normal brain functioning. Getting those types can only mean you are normal. Anxiety doesn't cause them but has been found to make them more intense/frequent.

28-09-19, 08:34
Gary I've had CBT in 2017, started again in 2018, referred me to high intensity then and never heard anything and moved district. On the last call she said she was going to chase why it wasn't followed up.

I only worry because my nan said she saw a black figure with arms once. I'm 90% sure it was hair either mine as it was over face or my partner's but it's the fear of what if it's a demon or something trying to take me (I'm not even sure i believe in anything like that, but just going off what my nan told me)

'it' was there for 0.01 of a second as I rolled over from a deep sleep, I blinked/moved hair and wasn't there. Maybe my anxiety thought it was something else.

I am still a little on edge though trying to use logic.

Gary A
28-09-19, 09:01
So we’re now in the realms of demons coming to get you are we? I must say that I genuinely thought you’d run out of nonsense eventually, but props must go to you for consistently coming up with new material.

You ever thought of writing novels? You definitely have the imagination for it.

28-09-19, 10:42
I can see dead people,they are all around me so are demons and monsters.:roflmao:

28-09-19, 11:44
This is completely normal when going from sleep to being awake, or vs versus. It even has a specific name. Iv experienced it several times in my life, but it only really started when I was anxious, anyone can have them tho.

One time I thought I saw a squirrel running towards my bed and jumped up and started screaming. Two seconds later I realised nothing was actually there and I must of been “dreaming” (I was awake tho) there isn’t even squirrels where I live. Was freaky at the time but I just laughed it off.

30-09-19, 09:01
I'm more and more sure it was just my hair or my partner's as I've woken up with my own hair over my face lately.

However this morning with my cat sure I saw a tiny dark floater but not long at all. There was the end of the curtain rail where 'it' was so perhaps it was that and I'm just jumpy? Plus aren't cats supposed to sense things like that ? My cat was just chill. This was different to the other thing.

I know I sound mad, I honestly do. Logic is like it's hair and you're jumpy or its floaters or its half asleep tings but my anxiety is like it's demons 🙃

30-09-19, 13:09
Possible this was an after image this morning?