View Full Version : Innocent Wonder Green drink anxiety!!

29-09-19, 11:07
I purchased some Innocent Wonder Green at my local Tesco and boy did it have an undesirable effect on my mood.

It made me irritable as hell, wired, anxious and a sort of feeling where I couldn’t get these angry feelings out of my head, they just kept going round and round(not sure what that’s called).

I never thought a drink would cause such a terrible effect but on reading it’s label it’s full of Vitamin B, B6 being the likely candidate as I get the same effect with B complex.


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29-09-19, 13:42
More gunk served up as being healthy and vegan. Hope you feel calmer soon-all these "health" drinks are just a waste of money. Eat decent fruit and veg instead?

29-09-19, 13:59
Could it be the sugar content?
I noticed it was very high.
It's the same with those healthy cereal bars, apparently full of sugar.
Too much sugar can definitely bring on a quick change of anxiety fuelled feelings.

29-09-19, 14:05
Innocent are a subsidiary of Coca Cola, anyway.

Feel better, OP!

29-09-19, 14:20
Could it be the sugar content?
I noticed it was very high.
It's the same with those healthy cereal bars, apparently full of sugar.
Too much sugar can definitely bring on a quick change of anxiety fuelled feelings.

I’m ok with sugar but not with B vitamins, makes me very irritable and ready for a fight even, don’t know what that’s called but it’s scary and I’m glad it’s gone!

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29-09-19, 14:22
More gunk served up as being healthy and vegan. Hope you feel calmer soon-all these "health" drinks are just a waste of money. Eat decent fruit and veg instead?

I do eat plenty of fruit and veg, I just saw that on offer and thought it would be something healthy to take with my breakfast.
Did the opposite, had a bit of conflict with my manager.

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29-09-19, 16:07
I'm not understanding, what is the problem with B vitamins ? They are in all all fruit, veg and foods we eat.

29-09-19, 16:25
I'm not understanding, what is the problem with B vitamins ? They are in all all fruit, veg and foods we eat.

Are you saying I’m making this up?

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29-09-19, 16:56
Um no :huh: I was asking why are B-vitamins a problem in the drink, when they are already in the food we eat?

Whole grains, Meat, Eggs and dairy products, Legumes, Seeds and nuts, Dark, leafy vegetables and various fruits all supply the B complex vitamins. So, are you intolerant to certain foods too ?

29-09-19, 18:35
Isolated vitamins are very different than those naturally found in food. They don't have the enzymes attached to them that the body can 'see' and understand, and can trigger an immune response in some people.

29-09-19, 19:21
Looking at the amount of B vitamins, they're around 1/3 of your daily requirement per serving which isn't a lot at all. Perhaps there's something else that triggered the response.

positive thoughts

29-09-19, 20:33
Looking at the amount of B vitamins, they're around 1/3 of your daily requirement per serving which isn't a lot at all. Perhaps there's something else that triggered the response.

positive thoughts

Vitamin B complex in pill form has the same effect, I'm probably just very sensitive to it, naturally produced in food is fine.

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30-09-19, 01:52
Vitamin B complex in pill form has the same effect, I'm probably just very sensitive to it, naturally produced in food is fine.

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Have a search as there are other threads about this and people's experiences are mixed over B vitamins. Some find they ramp up anxiety, some don't.

With anxiety you can find your tolerances lower than before and as you recover this changes.

Remember as well that a RDA is meant to reflect eating over the day whereas a supplement, if not timed release, is going to mean all at once as fast as it can be absorbed. Reducing may help e.g. drink in batches or split pills up (check if pills are coated or layered first as they won't be homogenised so shouldn't be split).

Too much of something at one time can bring side effects. I don't know about this drink or the levels of vitamins without delving further but consider the safest vitamin you can take - vitamin C. The body holds little of it at one time yet supplements are often higher and all that happens is your body excretes the excess. But take that excess up into what they call "mega dosing" and there is a threshold at which it causes the runs.

Niacin makes your face flush and some people find this triggers their anxiety.

30-09-19, 07:19
Isolated vitamins are very different than those naturally found in food. They don't have the enzymes attached to them that the body can 'see' and understand, and can trigger an immune response in some people.

Yes, a relative of mine has this issue with supplements as well. He has an autoimmune condition.

30-09-19, 08:26
Yes, a relative of mine has this issue with supplements as well. He has an autoimmune condition.

If you've got autoimmune issues you may be very sensitive to vitamins, not so bad with minerals. A really great product is Matcha (stone ground green tea leaf powder) if you can source it, which can be made into a Latte tea and is full of antioxidants. It's a traditional Japanese tea and we're so lucky to have it here in New Zealand :)

30-09-19, 09:32
I drink Matcha tea WM,also make cakes and Matcha ice-cream.:yesyes:

30-09-19, 10:37
Well, I didn't know all that about 'vitamin sensitivity'. Interesting.

30-09-19, 20:52
Well, I didn't know all that about 'vitamin sensitivity'. Interesting.

A specialist Dr of CFS in NZ, mentions that if you have it (or other autoimmune issues) be very careful about how you take vitamin C supplements, best to source it from fruit and vegetables, not tablets.

01-10-19, 00:45
Yes, we have a real issue here with vitamin supplements...especially since many of our companies are not monitored by our FDA.

01-10-19, 04:34
I drink Matcha tea WM,also make cakes and Matcha ice-cream.:yesyes:

Gee ... we're so lucky to live in the South Pacific :yesyes:

01-10-19, 09:52
Yes we are very lucky WM.Here in far north Qld We have such a variety of different fruits and veggies, I don’t need to take vitamins,just eat healthy,I get matcha from a great health food shop in Cairns, I take my own containers in so no plastic bags and buy in bulk,it is cheaper that way.:D

01-10-19, 14:06
I buy loose leaf mao feng green tea from a tea company online. It's good stuff!

01-10-19, 20:59
Anyone know of a decent supplement/vitamin brand as the amount on Amazon is bewildering!

I also had a look for matcha tea, again, bewildering choice and always negative reviews.

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02-10-19, 03:17
Yes we are very lucky WM.Here in far north Qld We have such a variety of different fruits and veggies, I don’t need to take vitamins,just eat healthy,I get matcha from a great health food shop in Cairns, I take my own containers in so no plastic bags and buy in bulk,it is cheaper that way.:D

Sounds great, we haven't reached that level yet but I can get 100 mgs for $12 ... sounds like a drug deal :whistles:

02-10-19, 03:34
Sounds great, we haven't reached that level yet but I can get 100 mgs for $12 ... sounds like a drug deal :whistles:

I've seen TV programmes about your customs at airports and they seem to treat someone bringing some food or tea in inside their luggage the same as Mr Big bringing in a case load of Bolivian marching powder :winks:

02-10-19, 06:33
I've seen TV programmes about your customs at airports and they seem to treat someone bringing some food or tea in inside their luggage the same as Mr Big bringing in a case load of Bolivian marching powder :winks:

Likely a leave over from the 1970's Terrence John Clark (Mr Big head of the Mr Asia heroin drug syndicate)! Nowadays it's all the methamphetamine that comes via China to NZ and Australia.

02-10-19, 10:31
Sounds great, we haven't reached that level yet but I can get 100 mgs for $12 ... sounds like a drug deal :whistles:

Sorry, I meant I buy my flour,chick peas in bulk:roflmao:
It does sound a tad like a drug deal WM,just add another zero.:winks: