View Full Version : Body jerks all over including mouth area

30-09-19, 11:37
So lately I’ve been have those lovely body jerks non stop. I have had this occurs in the past and it goes away in a few days. So I’m not as worried about the body jerks and jolts but what seems new is it is affecting my mouth area and that is freaking me out! So the jerks are just the classic like jump of your hand or foot. Yet, my chin and mouth are feeling strange too.... its like a second long and my lips will move up on one side or the other or it will feel like I tighten them together. Basically a jerk reaction on my lower face. I don’t think this is visible from the outside as it lasts a second at most. As I said this accompanies jerks and jolts all over these last few days, legs arms, torso and I can accept those as I’ve had them before. It’s just when it’s my face it’s freaking me out. Yes I googled and read about dystopia, facial spasms, tics, etc but nothing quiet matching exactly. It’s very unsettling and I am picturing myself at a neurologist getting bad news. I’m so worried about a scan and a brain tumor!

01-10-19, 13:34
Tics and twitches are part of my anxiety filled life. Right now I have one on my eye that has been there for months. When my anxiety is super bad, I get twitches everywhere. I’ve had them inside my mouth and on my tongue. I can remember going to get a pedicure a few years ago and my legs and toes were twitching really bad. I was sure the pedicurist was going to say she couldn’t paint toes that twitchy. She powered through.

I think you are fine. If you can manage to distract yourself and relax a bit, I bet you’ll notice your tics calming down.

My husband actually died of a brain tumor. (Lung cancer had spread to his brain.) Twitching was not one of his symptoms. It was super obvious something was really wrong. He couldn’t stand up, walk, or even swallow.

I think you are just experiencing your body riding the anxiety train.

01-10-19, 18:11
Thank you so much for your reply and your efforts to help. I truly appreciate it. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband :( The pedicure story made me giggle. I have to say, I get twitches too and I can handle that..... its the jerking of muscles and body parts esp. when I feel like a tick in my check muscle chin or lips or my hand goes flying up while still.