View Full Version : Without even thinking.....

30-09-19, 13:55
Having spent the morning researching some self help books, purchasing said books along with a Bach's rescue remedy and some magnesium oil, AND vowing to keep myself distracted, without a second thought I googled "why is there pressure and throbbing in my nose"....guess what? Nasal cancer. Thought it may be polyps, but first return was cancer. I give up.

I was really feeling as though this can be cracked....now, down the slippery slope I go...

30-09-19, 14:49
Having spent the morning researching some self help books, purchasing said books along with a Bach's rescue remedy and some magnesium oil, AND vowing to keep myself distracted, without a second thought I googled "why is there pressure and throbbing in my nose"....guess what? Nasal cancer. Thought it may be polyps, but first return was cancer. I give up.

I was really feeling as though this can be cracked....now, down the slippery slope I go...

Isn’t it the most irritating thing and feeling, I once google ‘spot on nose’ - didn’t have one it was just a test and guess what came up ... cancer - it always does!

That’s why we have to not google! Not that I’m practicing what I preach I still have the smoke smell (when I’m not distracted) and the fact it seems no one else much has had it means I’m stressing over it - HA is just the most annoying condition ever - I’m going to try some CBD oil and no googling and see how I go!

30-09-19, 15:25
So annoyed with myself....I had a bad day yesterday (went through several cancers and Parkinsons!) so gave myself a talking to today. And then went and consulted Dr Google. I was on auto pilot, didn't even hesitate!!

30-09-19, 16:16
I give up.

Giving up what? Googling?

It can be cracked, if you give up Googling. Without exception.

30-09-19, 16:26
I agree...and I need to be more mindful so I don't google without giving it a second thought. It's madness. We all know what to do.

30-09-19, 17:30
Exactly. And as easy as it is to do a quick search, you have to be vigilant and tough with yourself.

When I had my bout of HA a few years back the correlation between how much I googled and how many symptoms I had was startling. It's a cycle of misery.

02-10-19, 20:19
There is no point worrying about falling off the wagon, it is done and we have all done it. What you should do is get straight back on it. It is an addiction at the end of the day.