View Full Version : burning throat

24-09-07, 03:05
I am panicking really bad right now and sweating. I was fine until I forgot to take my paxil and i went to take it and swallowed it but had to run my dog outside, in the meantime i swalled it without water. I then came in and my throat started to burn,then my thoughts started and I have taken tums but i am sweaty and still burning throat and now my stomach is yuky and I am not sure if it is panic or something else. My fear is still a heart attack and of course there is a couple of the symptoms in there.
Please help me........


24-09-07, 03:40
darling please dont panic, its happened to me lots of times with prozac that got stuck in my throat.

it burns like mad and sometimes i vomitted too.

drink milk and try to eat some bread and in a few hours take a ant acid tablet.

it will pass its jst really uncomfortable.
take care luv tracie