View Full Version : Do you ever feel like you're the only person going through this?

30-09-19, 16:56
Yes I know anxiety issues are extremely common but going through this even being in a crowd you end up feeling alone if that makes sense. I have been struggling with sleep, and when you wake at the crack of dawn suffering you feel so alone like you're the only person going through this.

30-09-19, 17:00
Yes I know anxiety issues are extremely common but going through this even being in a crowd you end up feeling alone if that makes sense. I have been struggling with sleep, and when you wake at the crack of dawn suffering you feel so alone like you're the only person going through this.

I think that's one of the common things about it, feeling alone, and yes, crowds can be one of the loneliest places to be.

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30-09-19, 17:46
Totally-I always feel like it is only me and that no one has it as bad as me.

I feel like everyone else seems happy with their life and is enjoying themselves. That I am in some other world - like I am in Hell whilst they are on earth.

Maybe we can share how we feel on a daily basis so we can make each other feel that we are not alone.

Are you on any meds? X

30-09-19, 18:13
Totally-I always feel like it is only me and that no one has it as bad as me.

I feel like everyone else seems happy with their life and is enjoying themselves. That I am in some other world - like I am in Hell whilst they are on earth.

Maybe we can share how we feel on a daily basis so we can make each other feel that we are not alone.

Are you on any meds? X

Yes, you've summed it up nicely. No I'm not on any meds, I'm afraid on them to be honest.

01-10-19, 06:15
I was like that. I eventually went on them because I could not cope anymore. :(

01-10-19, 06:33
I hope you can get your sleep issues under control. Poor sleep can contribute to depression and hopelessness. Waking up very early is not necessarily a bad thing.

Best wishes.

01-10-19, 14:41
Hi Sal, sleep issues I think are ok for me now. How are you doing? X

02-10-19, 01:14
Thanks for asking, means a lot. Been struggling I guess. Some days seems worse than others. I try to (at the very least) get outside everyday to avoid compounding my issues. Sleep is erratic though.

I'm glad to hear your sleep is improving.

Again, thank you for your concern.

04-10-19, 09:10
How are you today? X

04-10-19, 10:06
How are you today? X

Not good, couldn't sleep last night, as soon as I got to the point of falling over panic kicked in and I woke up. How about you?

04-10-19, 12:35
I managed to sleep but it was an anxious one- so bit really restful.

How are you now that you are up? X

04-10-19, 12:49
I feel normal now but it took from 7am until now.

04-10-19, 13:05
Aw glad to hear you are feeling normal now. It must have felt like an eternity though from 7-12 to feel normal x

04-10-19, 13:22
Yeah getting a bit pissed of with anxiety now but the more I worry about it the worse I will make it, I guess I just have to accept, not get scared and go with the flow, all easier said than done

04-10-19, 15:59
It easier said than done.

Have you tried listening to CLAIRE Weekes?