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View Full Version : Concerns for my Mum

01-10-19, 20:52
Hello, it's been a while since I posted but I'm a little worried about my mum. She has had ride side pain in her side/stomach for a few weeks now. She still walks around etc but shes been in some pain with it (she doesnt take pain relief eirher) Anyway she's been to the docs a few weeks ago and they ran some bloods and water sample all came back fine albeit she was slight anemic and her diabetes count was high. Anyway she is still struggling with pain so she went back last week. The doc has examined her again and said there is no lumps or masses but it feels abit tender. She had more bloods done are her CRO levels are now slightly raised and shes anemic still. She has not been vomiting and hasnt had drastic weight loss, shes not eating much and I know alot of that is to do with worry but hen shes never been a big eater anyway. Shes got a scan on friday morning which is playing on my mind but I'm just wondering if anyone has had anything similar. I have IBS but I didnt have pain. I feel like my health anxiety is mild at the moment and in trying to be positive and not think of the worst but it's difficult. X

01-10-19, 20:53
Sorry that should have said CRP levels, I think it signals imflamation