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View Full Version : Extreme fatigue then anxiety

02-10-19, 15:25
Hello all, I'm new to the forum and was hoping to bounce off you all with similar experience.

I have experienced challenges with anxiety on and off for the last 10 years. During that time the symptoms have changed in a number of ways.

Recently I have started to experience what I can only describe as extreme fatigue. It will come over me out of the blue. I'm yawning, cannot focus on anything and just need to lie down. Often anxiety kicks in after this period of tiredness and fear sets in that something is wrong. I also have been feeling very cold with cold hands and feet.

My question is has anyone experienced extreme fatigue prior to an anxiety episode? Would it be likely that the fatigue is also in fact all anxiety related?

Really appreciate all your help in advanced, thank you.

02-10-19, 17:28
I get it but after an anxious period, unbelievable tiredness that a week's worth of sleep won't cure.

I've come to believe over the years that everything bad seems to stem from anxiety.

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