View Full Version : Supraclavicular Lymph Node!!!!

03-10-19, 03:03
I was feeling around my neck yesterday because I had been having some muscle issues and my breast pain is still there :( So I guess I’m conscious of my collarbone lymph nodes. Anyway I felt one yesterday and it’s tiny to the point where I can’t measure it. But online it says any supraclavicular lymph node that can be felt can be malignant. Has anyone ever had one and been okay?

bin tenn
03-10-19, 04:23
Lots of people do / have before. Google is obviously no good for your anxiety, so I recommend staying away from it. Google sometimes tells me I'm most likely pregnant - impossible, I'm a guy.

03-10-19, 07:09
Just because a lymphnode happens to be in the supraclavicular area certainly doesn't mean its malignant and any lymphnode can turn out to be malignant no matter where its located. The key word there is *CAN*.
Lymphnodes are not cancer detectors though and so just because one can feel them even if they are enlarged does not mean they have lymphoma or some other type of cancer... Lymphnodes are the bodies filters, they have a job to do and they react when they feel the need arises or someone pokes at them. You mention that yours is tiny and so it's not even reactive. If you showed it to a doctor he/she would no doubt tell you to ignore it. I have had lymphnodes in this area and I have a lymphnode in another area that's shotty (permanently enlarged). Make sure to leave it alone because if you poke and prode it you can cause it to react and if you continue to poke at it you can cause it to become shotty.

Sorry to hear about your muscle and breasts issues. Hope you get to feeling better soon 🤗

03-10-19, 22:28
Thanks for the reassurance. I guess because I’ve been having right sided breast pain and now the right sided supraclavicular lymph node popped up I just freaked out. Plus, I know we shouldn’t google but most of the time google tells you “it’s likely benign but it could be the dreaded c”.. however in this case supraclavicular lymph node swelling is just bad. Bah. I don’t want to think about this honestly

03-10-19, 22:53
Let's say for a minute that all lymphnodes in the claivical area are malignant if enlarged... Yours is not enlarged, you said yourself its tiny. Doctors do not even really get excited about lymphnodes until they are larger then 3cm. I know it's hard to think rationally when anxiety is attacking us but as you know googling symptoms is never a good idea, this will only feed anxiety and cause needless worry.

There are lots of reasons for breast pain with only one of those reasons being cancer. Most cases of breast pain are completely benign. See your doctor if you feel you need to but you really dont need to be worrying about cancer unless a doctor says you have it. Google will tell you that you have cancer even if you type in toe pain (exaggerating) but you get what I mean.

05-10-19, 18:50
I was so obsessed over lymph nodes during the last year that I learned to find all of them (neck, supraclavicular, armpit, groin and even epitrochlear ones). So just being able to opalpate them it doesn t mean they are cancerous.

05-10-19, 21:50
Thanks Denis. I only have this one supraclavicular one I can feel. The rest of the supraclavicular lymph nodes I cannot feel. I am skinny though and do have a prominent collarbone. However, is being able to feel one more than others normal? It’s definitely smaller than 1cm. I would say 5mm? But it’s hard to measure because it’s really squishy and super mobile. I can feel some tiny raised nodes around it too. But they feel more solid-ish but again too tiny.

06-10-19, 02:08
Squishy and mobile.... even more proof that you dont need to worry about this lymphnode 😃