View Full Version : Lymph Fears and Updates!

03-10-19, 18:56
Hi, Everyone!

It's been about 6 months since I last posted, and I was doing great!

Let me give y'all the rundown:

Earlier this year, I got hit with left-sided pins and needles/tingling. On top of weakness, dizziness, stomach upset, fullness/pain in left ear and jaw, and a few lumps and bumps (one behind leg, one in groin, one in neck).

I had some testing done: MRI - brain (white matter lesions consistent with migraines) and lower back (clear), CT - neck and chest (regular reactive lymph node, rest was clear - but gallstones detected!), Ultrasound - groin (lipoma) and back of knee (lipoma), Bloodwork (elevated ESR / CRP but otherwise unremarkable - and my ESR / CRP have been elevated for 4 years now with no underlying cause aside from being overweight)

I've seen: Rheumatologist (I'm fine!), Neurologist (I'm fine!), ENT (I'm fine!), and my GP more times than I can count.

All in all - I AM FINE. My pins and needles are there, but my neuro (head of neurology at local hospital) said it's not malignant and it's NOT MS (which everyone had thought at first), and I just have to "live with it." Which is A-OK with me, as long as I know it's nothing sinister, I can live with it...


One week ago today I began to develop a large boil/ingrown hair/pimple on the nape of my neck. It puffed up fast and quickly and was extremely painful for 2 days. My lymph node beneath it swelled quickly and was also super painful!

In my head - I know, the lymph was doing its job, it was protecting me!

Now that the boil has gone, the lymph is still large. It's squishy, it's movable, and it started out tender - but it's fairly large. As in, it doesn't take prodding. My coworkers can see it. It's sticking right out of my neck. That being said it's probably less than 2 cm, but the location (lower back of neck) is why it's noticeable.

I've also had some weird reactions to alcohol lately - not so much lymph pain, but I've vomited twice in the past 2 months when I've had a fairly normal (3 beer) amount of Saturday alcohol. Some days I'm fine, but those two times were not fun at all. This also makes me think - uh oh, cancer.

Why on earth is my lymph node still large after a week? I'd hate to start the cycle of going back to doctors, because holy cow, it took a lot of time / energy / money to do this earlier in the year, but I have this feeling that OH maybe behind my leg was a lymph and OH maybe in my groin was a lymph and OH maybe my numb chin / leg are all due to advanced lymphoma and now it's all coming to a head...

I know this isn't the case. Logically, I know this.

But how long, in reality, does it take for a lymph to start shrinking? I'm not patient. :)

(edited to add: my mom had breast cancer and my dad is currently in treatment for stage 4 prostate cancer and this all feels so very *real* to me, you know?)

03-10-19, 21:06
But how long, in reality, does it take for a lymph to start shrinking?

It could easily take up to a month. Poking and prodding will prolong healing and too much can make the node shotty so keep your hands off!

Positive thoughts

03-10-19, 21:29
Me, posting this: *gosh I hope Fishmanpa answers*

I wish I could keep you in my back pocket for reassurance, I swear :)

(thank you)

04-10-19, 13:18
It could easily take up to a month. Poking and prodding will prolong healing and too much can make the node shotty so keep your hands off!

Positive thoughts

My son's dr told me lymph nodes can scar and stay enlarged for ever. That was when he was around 4/5 years old, he's 26 and I can still see the string of them going down his neck when he turns his head.

04-10-19, 15:53
My son's dr told me lymph nodes can scar and stay enlarged for ever. That was when he was around 4/5 years old, he's 26 and I can still see the string of them going down his neck when he turns his head.

Thank you - and you're right. I know that this swelled due to my close-proximity skin deal (whether it was a zit/boil/ingrown hair) at the nape of my neck. It's just that it's been a week and it doesn't seem that it's shrinking at all. That's what worries me. But when it first popped up it was very hard and very painful, I couldn't even move my neck (due to that plus the skin issue). Now it's not painful, and it's honestly not hard - it's soft and movable. It's just still BIG! ("big" in relative terms - most likely between 1-2 cm) Being able to see it from my neck is the scary thing. I gotta chill out.

In other news, I went to the dentist this morning who says I definitely have TMJ, my jaw is way outta whack, so that might have caused my facial numbness and even quite possibly my left sided arm/leg numbness due to overcompensation. That's a huge relief! Going to a TMJ specialist as soon as I can get in (it's a year wait - yikes! but I've been dealing with this stupid anxiety for much, much longer) :)

04-10-19, 17:45

This is the lymph - it's not HUGE but my coworkers asked what that lump is - it's been a week and it just feels... ominous...

04-10-19, 19:10

This is the lymph - it's not HUGE but my coworkers asked what that lump is - it's been a week and it just feels... ominous...

Oh ugh! 😩 Tell them to zip it. My younger son's are in the same place but there are a whole string of them.

04-10-19, 19:37
Oh ugh!  Tell them to zip it. My younger son's are in the same place but there are a whole string of them.

Haha! I will tell them to zip it. I was feeling okay about it until they brought it up yesterday, and then started panicking. I KNOW that it's reactive. And it's squishy. And movable. And honestly not even that big! But... man, oh man... does anxiety do a number.

04-10-19, 19:53
What did you use to post your picture? I always used tinypic but that's gone.

04-10-19, 20:19
What did you use to post your picture? I always used tinypic but that's gone.

I just used the piece above the reply box to add a photo :)

08-10-19, 15:39
My lymph node hasn't shrunk in size at all in about 2 weeks now - I have an appointment with my GP this coming Friday for a prescription refill anyhow, I'm going to have her check my node. I just had a full chest/neck CT 6 months ago, I feel like if something sinister were there, it would have shown up --- and I know that this lymph swelled in response to a skin infection / boil / zit / ingrown hair (no idea, it just hurt like the dickens) and the lymph hurt at the time, I just can't remember the last time I had a lymph node swell up visibly and stay that way (visible) for 2 weeks... I know it can take 2-4 to go down, and poking/prodding makes it worse, but ... I don't know. I'm trying to stay off google (I know my triggers) but I also would like any reassurance that a visible lump 2 weeks in may not be anything at all?

09-10-19, 15:56
I hate to be "that person" but my lymph is still swollen 2 weeks later, and I've been having soaking night sweats. I know, it's anxiety. Or the three blankets I use lol... but I'm just.. in a panic. I feel like the fact that my lymph node is visible is a bad sign :(

09-10-19, 16:22
This is the photo from today, there's no difference in the past week, I don't think... unless i'm seeing it with my HA eyes? Is it smaller? I don't... know. Sigh.


09-10-19, 16:38
There's no sense in posting photos for opinions. You're just feeding the dragon doing so.

Positive thoughts

09-10-19, 17:13
There's no sense in posting photos for opinions. You're just feeding the dragon doing so.

Positive thoughts

Okay. You're right. I go to the doctor on Friday and I'll ask her to check. It feels so big to me, but I get very worried about these kinds of things. Especially with my ongoing health issues. Sigh. Thanks, man. I appreciate your candor.

09-10-19, 21:09
Dr told me lymph nodes can come up and scar.. they stay enlarged for ever.

My 26 year old son is proof.. I was freaked about them where he was little, I still see them