View Full Version : Lump in lower back

04-10-19, 08:59
I posted last year about how after reading an article about someone I know actually who had bone cancer that spread to her back,I was feeling around my lower back just after reading it to find a hard fixed lump sort of thing. I get sciatica every month a few days before my period for some reason mainly on the same side as this lump. I’ve now totally convinced myself that it has to be cancer. I don’t wanna go to the doctors as I’ve recently went for a lump in my breast and I just feel so overwhelmed by it all. It’s on the left side and if I feel about the right side,there’s nothing really similar but maybe a slight bump in the same area. I honestly can’t see how it would be anything other can cancer:( I’m only 20 and got over healthy anxiety for a while but now I just keep stressing constantly thinking I have everything wrong with me. Any advice appreciated

bin tenn
04-10-19, 13:21
The body isn't symmetrical. There are normal anatomical structures on one side of the body that aren't present on the other side. I have lumps on each side of my lower back, but one is much more easily felt, and I think they're lipomas (I have several in various places). It could be something like a lipoma; they can feel firm / hard depending on exact makeup and location.

04-10-19, 13:49
Yeah that’s true. I’ve noticed that I have one leg longer than the other and my left is the one that’s longer,so technically it’s higher up than the other side. So I’m wondering could it be that? But it’s just how it’s so fixed and hard,it almost feels like bone or muscle. Just struggling to see how it could be anything other than something bad

04-10-19, 15:39

Take a quick moment and ground yourself in some actual facts that you can rely on.

You discovered this "lump" immediately after reading an article about someone having cancer in their back. Your brain was already conditioned to find something, anything, and create a story based upon what you had just read. The odds of you reading an article and then finding cancer immediately after have to be infinitely small. Take a deep breath and recognize that your brain is most likely creating a false narrative.

Second, the notion of "how could it be anything other than something bad" is also a false narrative. I'm assuming you aren't a doctor as you are only 20 so you lack the full spectrum of medical knowledge of ALL the possible outcomes of this "lump." There could be a litany of things and bin tenn has done an excellent job explaining a very common one.

Ground yourself in what you actually know and recognize that this is your fight or flight response activating.

Best Wishes

04-10-19, 19:01
Thank you for your reply. I know it’s silly as I was obviously looking for something after reading that article. I’m wondering if it’s because my legs are different lengths and I’m obviously squint that maybe that has something to do with it. Obviously only a doctor can help but trying to work myself up to going is horrible but the only way for peace. I try tell myself ‘Aimee how many times have you sworn it was deadly’ on anything I’ve thought was wrong with me and turned out not to be but it just takes over my brain:(

04-10-19, 19:06
I would never refer to your health anxiety or logic as silly as it is what you are actually experiencing. Even from your reply you understand what's going on anxiety-wise. I understand it takes time and a lot of self talk. I hope you're able to work through it quickly.

Best Wishes

05-10-19, 18:47
I have one in my lower back as well, on the right hand side. I think it is a lipoma, haven't checked that out, but since it is not growing, most probably is fine. I am sure you are fine as well, but just to put your mind to ease, show it to your gp.

05-10-19, 18:57
Aren’t lipomas moveable?? Because mine is fixed so it reminds me of a bone

bin tenn
05-10-19, 21:27
Aren’t lipomas moveable?? Because mine is fixed so it reminds me of a bone

Not always. That's a general guideline used to classify a lipoma, but as I said above, they can feel firm / hard (and yes, immobile) as well depending on many factors such as size and location. They also say lipomas are not painful, but they CAN BE painful depending, again, on size and location.

05-10-19, 23:00
Ahh right I see. It’s not really painful but can become tender if pressed around too much. I don’t think it’s grown in over the year ago that I discovered it so I suppose that’s good. I suppose I either get it checked or leave it,a big decision I have to make:/

05-10-19, 23:10
I have a lump on my back and have been told it is just a fatty lump and nothing can be done and to leave it alone.

05-10-19, 23:39
I had a lipoma the size of a small egg removed from my lower back as it was causing discomfort and pain. No biggie....