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View Full Version : worry over son going away

geordie flower
24-09-07, 10:53
Hiya all, I really need to have a moan, my son whos 10 has gon away this morning with the school for 5 days on an outdoor activity centre in the lake district called Thurston, hes going to be doing canoeing, rockclimbing, hillwalking, gorge jumping! amongst other things!!!!! But as the bus was leaving at 9.30am the stupid driver managed to crash the side of his bus into the school gates! he simply got out banged the trim he knocked off back into place and off he went! the other parents and i just stood there horrified, what chance do we have of our kids getting there in one piece, its a 2 1/2 hour drive over the A66 narrow country roads and over hills! i'm sitting here worried sick luckily i too the day off work i just want to cry! we're not allowed contact with the kidsat all during the week but we should be getting a postcard from them mid week, roll on fri pm when they are back! thanksfor listening to my moan tracey x

24-09-07, 12:29
I can totally sympathise with what you're going through! My son was due to go away in May on a similar kind of holiday but only for 3 days. He has insulin dependant diabetes and would have had to have managed his injections by himself which he wasn't used to doing at the time. I was getting into a right state weeks before because I was worried he wouldn't take his insulin or something bad would happen. Anyway, the weekend before he went he almost nearly ended up in hospital from a hypoglycaemic attack so in the end I cancelled the trip and he didn't end up going. He was actually ok about it because I think he was secretly worried he might not be able to cope with it and if anything happened.

24-09-07, 12:50
i to know how you feel

my littlegir is 5 and has oly been on day trip but the whole day i am sat scared stiff and watchig the clock .
and what a thingto happen just as the driver was pulling away !:lac:
but i am sure he will be fine just think of how many other ids have been and were fine hun they will be well watched i am sure

jodie xx:hugs: xx

geordie flower
24-09-07, 20:24
Hiya thank you both for your replies. He must hav got there safely otherwise im sure i wud of heard by now! Ive stayed in all day just incase the phone rang and there was a problem, what am i like :wacko: Its gonna be a long week waiting for friday for him to come back, I bet hes having a fab time tho and not giving me a second thought :) thanks again tracey x

24-09-07, 20:27

well let us know how he got on i am sure he is having a nice time


24-09-07, 21:13

I remember years ago my son going on a school holiday and the coach that took them looked a right wreck!!!!!

But they got there and he loved it!!!

Please try not to worry its all part of them growing up.......parents suffer, kids have a ball!!!!

Thinking of you:hugs:

Luv Kaz x

geordie flower
28-09-07, 20:01
:) Hiya, well good news my sons back from his week away safe and sound! Well apart from being covered in an awful rash all over his chest, back and top of his legs:ohmy:. His teacher said they think its from the wetsuit hes been wearing bless him hes had it 2 days and he says its very itchy. Hes had a great time tho but said hes missed me and i got a lovely hug him which is kinda rare wen your 10 years old lol. Hes absolutely worn out but had a blast and im just so pleased hes home now wat a week that was! oh and an update on the busdriver from hell they had - the driver managed to slide the bus down a mountain pass and couldnt control it and he also had to keep slamming the brakes on!:mad: so the teachers on the bus were so concerned they changed coach companies for the journey home thank god :) . tracey x

28-09-07, 20:15
hi there

awww i am so pleased he has had a nice time you will be so glad he is home lol
do you know my little girl has now got a date to go away on a day trip to bedes world :ohmy: so i am feeling how you were and she is just going for the day lol

jodie xx

geordie flower
28-09-07, 20:33
Hi there jodie, thanks for your reply i really appreciate it, im so pleased hes back! wow bedes world she'll hava great time its actually only about 3 miles from my house! Do you have the chance to go with her as a parent helper? Kids eh i dont think we'll ever stop worrying about them, i know my mam still rings me to check im ok and im 33 and been married 11 years lol :) love tracey x p.s. did i read b4 that youre a florist? :flowers: