View Full Version : Dealing with low level general anxiety?

06-10-19, 08:44
Guys whats the best way of dealing with low level anxiety? You know the kind thats always there but never actually really builds to anything such as a panic attack but its always there, a general feeling of unease with no real reason. Its just constantly uncomfortable. It's just their rumbling away in the background. You don't really notice it when engaged in something but once you stop you know its there.

06-10-19, 10:21
I’ve dealt with that for years, about twenty where I didn’t even know what it was and that I suffered with it.

I’ve tried anti depressants, they didn’t work and I’m now about ten years without them, but do take 2mg of diazepam when things are bad. That really works but I only take them in emergencies.

What’s worked best for me is exercise, whether it be walking or in my case cycling it really takes the edge off things.

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06-10-19, 13:17
I’ll be interested to see the result of this - as I am feeling a low level of anxiety constantly too- I’m not sure if it is anxiety or depression. It’s just a constant uncomfortable feeling x