View Full Version : chest pain

24-09-07, 12:31
Hiya all
I have started to feel more relaxed now and am not constently expecting a panic attack anymore which is great. But today i have been getting relly sharp stabbing pains in my heart area, very localised. They are really quite painful but only last for a few seconds. I have had it a couple of times before but its always gone away. Any ideas on what it could be would be great.
Many thanks

24-09-07, 12:39
Musculoskeletal Causes
The chest contains many muscles, bones, tendons, and cartilage (the rubbery tissue that connects muscles and bones). Strains or sprains to any of these can cause chest pains. Chest pains associated with musculoskeletal injury are typically sharp and confined to a specific area of the chest. They may be brought on by movement of the chest and/or arms into certain positions, and often are relieved by changing position. These pains can be triggered by pushing on part of the chest and often become worse when taking a deep breath. These pains usually last only seconds, but can persist for days.

Sorry, looks like i have answered my own question

25-09-07, 20:12
wow thanks, i was looking for a thread that'd make me understand why we keep having chest pains. but how long do these chest pains last for? and wats the cure? iv bin having them for almost a week since my attack