View Full Version : Considering going back on AD’s

06-10-19, 20:32
i ve been suffering from anxiety & some agoraphobia for about 15 years now, in that time I was on Citalopram twice.
came off it nearly 2 years ago with some emotional ups & downs but was doing quite well for about a year , then the anxiety started to slowly creep in again and escalated with my holidays back in July , now I just can’t shake it off at all .
i ve done self referral through italk as recommended by GP so currently reading through the online CBT module , however I feel bit sceptical about it as I have done face to face CBT before ( which back than helped to a point ) but now I feel like I know what it will say and the thought of doing gradual exposure therapy ... well let’s just say I don’t have it in me right now.
So I feel like maybe it might be for the best if I went back on AD’s. So that would be my third time, now I ve read few posts on here that re starting AD’s leads to reduction in how they work or I might need higher dose.
has anyone on here ever restarted meds for third time and did the AD’s work for them ?

07-10-19, 00:07
So that would be my third time, now I ve read few posts on here that re starting AD’s leads to reduction in how they work or I might need higher dose.

has anyone on here ever restarted meds for third time and did the AD’s work for them ?

Should citalopram fail to work then switching to another antidepressant will usually do the trick. There are usually few issues doing an overnight switch to another SSRI, or cross tapering to a TCA.

Alternatively, adding a small dose of the GAD specific med buspirone (Buspar) help. It is one of a number of meds which only works for a few and not at all for most, but it will often reinvigorate a SSRI that has pooped-out. It can lessen some of their side-effects too. However, from what I've read here it seems UK GPs and psychiatrists don't seem to use it so you might not be able to get a prescription, possibly because of concerns of it triggering serotonin syndrome. It doesn't. (https://headachejournal.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2009.01575.x) Can't in fact. SSRI plus buspirone combinations are frequently prescribed in the U.S. The SSRI vilazodone (Viibryd) combines the properties of an SSRI and buspirone in a single pill.

07-10-19, 08:52
Keta, I don't think it matters about statistics-it's what works for you and if the citalopram helped before and you could tolerate it then why not try it again to give you some support at a difficult time? No one really knows how effective ADs are anyway-it's all trial and error. Despite the copious data and studies.

I hope you are feeling better and stronger soon.

07-10-19, 09:22
Hi Keta, I have been on fluoxetine 3 times and each time it worked.

Now on my fourth time and only on day 2- I am going they will work this time.

I know and understand the anxiety about whether they will work or not - and that does make it a lot worse.

But as PDU said there are alternatives x

07-10-19, 13:24
Thanks guys it’s so nice to have this support.

07-10-19, 13:53
Don't worry about whether cit will work or not and certainly don't research all the numerous statistics. It doesn't matter whether the placebo effect works or the actual drug-you just want some improvement and to feel better and stronger and going into the new meds regime with a positive mindset will certainly help.

07-10-19, 18:38
I totally agree with Pulisa. Take them expecting them to work and feel as if you are doing something positive x

08-10-19, 00:16
Hi Keta I was in exact same boat as you. Have just gone back on - day 11 today and having a rough time. But trying to focus on the benefits later on

09-10-19, 21:41
I still can’t make my mind up about it. When i’m In my comfort zone my anxiety is not too bad, but if I have to do anything different , going somewhere new I m falling apart.
Still trying to do this CBT online but feel like it’s more aimed at depression than anxiety.
i hope the Citalopram will kick for you soon Windywel. I have read your thread and looks like you are having bit of crap time with all the side effect. Sending hugs

08-11-19, 18:02
I'm having a blip, been off citralopram for about 6 months having been in them for about 7 years. Ive been really poorly/anxious following a heart attack scare all week but seem to have turned a corner. I hope you're on the mend soon too