View Full Version : Shoulder pain/collarbone pain. Should I be worried?

07-10-19, 12:58
Hi all... I am new here! I want to try and keep this short and sweet... for over a week I have been having these weird pains..... firstly I started getting theses sharp\stabbing pains on my right collarbone... I felt around and could feel my lymph node which is abit bigger than the size of a pea (from what I read this is normal Though) and these pains just kept coming. I am very slim and I do not exercise at all (I know I should *handover face*) so unsure if that’s why I can easily feel this node? I am also 27yrs old. Anyway, the pain starts shooting up my neck after a couple of days and is now making my Upper right back/right shoulder ache. If I move my right arm it doesn’t effect the pain at all, so I do not think this is muscle or nerve related? The pains are still happening over a week later and I am worried. Could this be to do with my bones? Because the pains are also a deep dull ache? I was worried the pain on my collarbone was from the lymph node initially but now I’m worried it’s actually my bones.... freaking out!

07-10-19, 21:02

This is a pain that I have actually been experiencing for about 2 years now. I began noticing the pain around the same time I found a lymph node on my neck as well. My HA brain assumed they were related. Come to find out they are not related at all and I'm guessing that is the case with you as well. The way that you describe your pain it sounds as though it is muscular. You don't necessarily need to move in order to feel muscular pain. If you are genuinely concerned about it go get it checked by a doctor.

Best Wishes

07-10-19, 21:37
Hi NotDeadYet, thanks for the response! Have you been docs? Did you find out what it was? I do want to go docs I just get frustrated with them sometimes. I am going to give it another week.... if the pain doesn’t subside I will go docs

08-10-19, 00:35
I am going through a collarbone lymph node scare as well. Do you also have it on top of the collarbone or somewhere else near it? Is it movable? I thought feeling any sort of collarbone lymph node was bad :( But reading your post about it being pea sized and normal made me feel a bit better lol

08-10-19, 06:36
Hi Katniss. Mine is just above my collarbone. I have read that people who are slim can feel/find their lymph nodes more easily (I am v. Slim). Mine does move a little, yes. Also I have read that nodes are all small (pea sized), ideally they should be 1cm or under... however some nodes can stay larger due to past infections/illness. I am obviously not a doctor so if you are worried, go to your docs to put your mind at ease. I am going to leave it for another week, if I am still getting these weird pains then I am making an appointment with my doc.