View Full Version : Pain in hip, groin and back

07-10-19, 18:45
Hi, just looking for someone to please tell me if you think I'm right to be concerned (honesty welcome) or if I'm catastrophising (well, I am worried that it's the worst thing, so I suppose I know I'm catasrophising, but just wondering if I' right to be worried).

I'm a 30 year old female. For the last 3 months, I've had pain in my lower back and right hip and groin. I basically don't ever exercise (I'm not overweight though, I'm actually probably a little under weight if anything) so I can't think of an injury that would have caused it. At first it was only when I moved my leg into certain positions. My back also makes a crunching sound when I move my leg in a circle. I saw a doctor and she ordered physio, which I have next week. But now it hurts even when I'm sat at my desk at work. It's kind of throbbing. And it was really painful in bed last night.

In addition to the above, I also have IBS and stool tests have shown inflammation in my colon (been going on a while - partial colonoscopy didn't show anything. Could only look at the first bit though as they had to stop the test). So it's still not diagnosed. I also feel as though I can feel a mass in my lower right abdomen, next to my hip. I also get a weird grumbling sound in that area now. I went to the doctor recently and she said she didn't feel anything alarming, but she's ordered an abdominal ultrasound.

I'm kind of starting to really worry now. When it only hurt when I moved, I wasn't as worried as I thought it was probably muscular. But it's getting worse and I'm really worried. I feel like it's cancer that maybe started in my abdomen then has now spread to my bones. Or is pushing on nerves that are affecting my hip.

I think my question is - would someone who doesn't suffer with health anxiety be concerned too? I kind of feel like my worrying is justified this time.


07-10-19, 20:58

If I was someone who didn't have health anxiety this is not something I would be concerned with. I spent about five years worried about a pain originating in my lower left abdomen and I had convinced myself that I too had felt a tumor in that area. Come to find out, my hip was 100% out of alignment. I went to the chiropractor and with one adjustment all of those years of pain washed away. I share that with you to help you realize and challenge your thinking in that there are a multitude of reasons you may be experiencing these symptoms. My advice to you would be to take a deep breath and begin challenging your thoughts.

Best Wishes

07-10-19, 21:15
As someone without HA, it wouldn't be concerning. I've had right shoulder problems with pain and motion loss for the last three months. It even wakes me at night if I turn and lay on it. Is it a PITA? Sure is, but I know it's because like you, I'm not active other than walks several times a week. I'm also 2X your age so the most likely cause is arthritis or bursitis of some sort. Like you, if I move the joint, it sounds like I'm cracking walnuts! So I take my ibuprofen several times a day and deal with it. I have good days and not so good days and while it's not fun, it's also not totally ruining my life so I just deal. If it doesn't improve (and it has been very gradually), or gets worse, I'll go to the doctor and see what we can do.

You have physio coming up so take it from there and be realistic in that you'll actually feel more sore initially until your body acclimates, gets stronger and heals.

Positive thoughts

09-10-19, 23:31
Thank you both so much for replying to me. I'm really sorry that it has taken me so long to reply. Long story short, I fell asleep after posting and was sick the next day (nothing major, just a minor bug).

Your replies have really helped me. I feel a lot calmer now! I will wait for physio and the adominal ultrasound and take it from there - I'm not dreading the ultrasound as much as I was now though.

Thank you again for taking the time to calm my brain :)