View Full Version : So very worried

07-10-19, 20:30
Hello. My anxiety is at an all time high right now. I dont know how to deal or cope with it. Therapy is way too expensive and and I cannot afford it at the moment.
I posted a few weeks back about radon exposure. We did the test and it came back super high. We have since temporarily lowered our levels but we have more work to do.
I am so scared and frightened because we have lived with these very high levels for 12 years. For the last 7 my husband son and I have lived basement level.Im living in fear that we have or we are going to get lung cancer. I dont even know what to do. I literally cannot cope. I've never been this scared in my life
I made an appointment to see a doctor however there aren't any in my group available until the end of December. I have to see a nurse practitioner instead. Im not sure if there is anything they can do. How do I deal with this? I cannot stop crying.

07-10-19, 21:06

I know that therapy can be very expensive but that is the answer. You have to figure out some way to develop appropriate coping skills with what you're experiencing right now. You cannot change if you will one day get lung cancer. It is going to happen or it isn't going to happen and thus there is no need to stress about it today. The only way you can get to that mentality is to get professional mental health help. I would strongly recommend looking for some type of community mental health group or a therapist that can work with you on a sliding scale or something like that.

Best Wishes

07-10-19, 21:20
Thanks for the reply. I know therapy will help and I'm hoping my appointment with the nurse practitioner on Friday will point me in the right direction. I hope I can hold on until then. I am overwhelmed.