View Full Version : Gum issues

08-10-19, 11:10
Hi all. I have a tiny hole in my gum below my front bottom teeth. I have a dental appointment booked but am panicking as to what it could be. It doesnt hurt but i have never seen/heard of this before. Has anyone else had anything similar?

09-10-19, 20:53
Did you floss too hard? Have something hit off it while you ate? Brushed too hard? Your gum is delicate it’s very easy injure it.

10-10-19, 09:50
Yo pav

Receding gums very common. Don't mean nothing but exposes your tooth more.

Back to the bleeding gums gig, my Chinese dentist gives me these plastic things with a small shred of nylon which you use to push crap out of the gaps between teeth. When I started doing this regular I never got bleeding teeth again

10-10-19, 14:03
Cheers guys. Dentist wasnt concerned. Like you say they are delicate.

10-10-19, 14:10
Useful to know, I've been worrying about something similar lately.