View Full Version : Neti Pot Fears

09-10-19, 17:45
Hello all, I find myself gripped in fear of the brain eating amoeba ( I know others have posted). My HA had been pretty dormant for years for the most part but recently have had an uptick after having a baby 6 months ago. I have had a chronic sinus infection on and off for months now and yesterday my ENT suggested I use the neti pot. Well, I knew there had been cases of people getting brain eating amoebas from them so I knew to use distilled bottled water, which I did. However, I had rinsed the pot first with regular tap water without thinking or drying it. I am now convinced I could have contracted a brain eating amoeba. I also haven't been filling so hot today (headache, pressure) which I assume is the infection. I also had a few stray hives, which I've been known to get too due to illness exercise or stress. I can't stop thinking now that I'll be dead next week from the brain eating amoeba. I live in NYC, I know the tap water is treated. But I am so so scared.

09-10-19, 17:55
Not happening, this is ridiculous. It might be worth investigating treatment for your health anxiety.

09-10-19, 17:57
You are almost there with your self-reassurance, and are starting to say the right things -

I also haven't been filling so hot today (headache, pressure) which I assume is the infection.

I also had a few stray hives, which I've been known to get too due to illness exercise or stress.

I live in NYC, I know the tap water is treated

....these are things to remember and remind yourself, and NOT the fear your brain (sorry for pun) is feeding you. Do you think if the brain-eating amoeba was a risk that the ENT (as they very first person to know about things entering the brain via mucous membranes) wouldn't warn you ??? I bet they advise the neti-pot for loads of people, and not ONE will have contracted a brain-eating-amoeba!!! (and won't) Having had the baby as you rightly say can for some people bring in some scary dormant feelings, the changes in hormones, the new responsibility and fears for yourself and the baby, the tiredness and not feeling well with the infection anyway - are leading to a lack of rational thought.

09-10-19, 18:06
In addition to what everyone else has said - what’s the weather been like in NY? 100 deg and humid? Because the elusive amoeba needs super hot and humid conditions to live. I’m farther south than you, and it’s 57 and raining today - so I have to assume you’re not 50 degrees warmer up north 😁 don’t worry - you’re fine (other than just normal sinus issues!). Enjoy your new baby, congrats on that!

09-10-19, 19:21
What has me most anxious is the report of the woman in Seattle who died of a different kind of brain eating amoeba Balamuthia that they believe she got from tap water in her neti pot...

09-10-19, 20:10
No going to happen at all - you are fine.

10-10-19, 03:13
In the past 10 years 3 people have gotten brain eating amoebas from their neti pots. There are 327.2 million people in America and in TEN YEARS 3 of them have gotten it this way. To put this in perspective, your chances of winning the PowerBall on any given day are 1 in 292,201,338. Seven people won the PowerBall jackpot in 2018 alone. If you assume that's a good average, that would mean about 70 Americans winning the jackpot every 10 years... So, in other words, you won't get a brain eating amoeba from your neti pot. But if you still like your odd enough to forego the pot, you should start playing the lottery!

In all seriousness, though. I had crippling postpartum anxiety that peaked around 6-8 months postpartum. I am 5.5 years out now and still regret not getting help sooner. My daughter's entire first year was shadowed by my anxiety.