View Full Version : Chest pain that isn't letting up

Clydesdale Epona
09-10-19, 23:18
So i was struck with a two week cold and cough that ended just before Friday,

Since then i have had chest pain in the front when i breathe deep sometimes, when i turn/twist, get up from laying down and hurts real bad when i sneeze or cough.
I know loads of people have said its a pulled muscle but i haven't had a cough since Thursday surely it would have gotten better by now?

I can't get a doctors appointment in the morning because of an important lesson in college so its really getting to me that i can't have one till at best tomorrow afternoon but more likely Friday, my brain just keeps me telling me i'm going to die :/

09-10-19, 23:26
It could take weeks to get better.

If you are worried though you must get it checked out as no-one on here can say "yeah it will be fine".