View Full Version : Nodes behind ear

10-10-19, 00:03

Around 4-5 days ago I started getting this very mild pain in my right ear, a sensation of fullness, and discomfort around the outter ear. Didn’t think much of it, and left it alone.

A few days later I was wearing sunglasses and noticed alot of tenderness in the area where they rest on your ears, and after feeling the area with my fingers noticed two pea sized lumps. They are very very tender, and swollen.

Decided to go to the drs who checked for infection and said the inner ear looked fine, but that the pain and discomfort was most likely due to eustachian tube dysfunction.

Today the nodes are still very much swollen and tender, and the pain almost feels like its travelling down my neck. I am very stressed out about it as im leaving for a trip tomorrow and all I can think about is my ear ache and stupid nodes.

if anybody has a word of wisdom i’d love to hear it. Thanks for reading.


10-10-19, 18:31
Hi everyone,

Any thoughts? Im scared that I’m gonna run into some issues while im gone. If anybody could help me rationalize this would be amazing.


11-10-19, 22:03
Did you doc give any suggestions as to what to do? Usually when the Eustachian tube is malfunctioning, especially in adults, it's due to a cold/virus/infection so it would make sense that you'd be having neck or throat pain (also referred pain is a real thing). However, it can lead to ear infections if it doesn't clear up in time - how are your ears doing?

I'd see if your doc can give you some pain meds if needed, but don't worry about it being anything sinister - sounds like a pesky cold but I hope it doesn't ruin your vacation.