View Full Version : Odd Upper Back Pain

11-10-19, 14:29
So last night I was sitting on my loveseat watching football and when I was going to bed I noticed some back pain in my upper left back region. It was sort of sharp but then it would come and go.

Last night I also had some trapped wind. I was burping a lot last night to relieve it. This morning I am still noticing the come and go pain in my upper left back region. I immediately thought kidney issues but those are in the lower back region.

Its almost like something is pinched or irritated but I can't tell what. When I twisted my body around, it triggered the pain but then when I did it a few minutes later I didn't feel any pain.

Its not debilitating pain but it is annoying.

Does anyone have any insight. I am thinking it may be my sitting posture or maybe my mattress.

11-10-19, 19:35
Sometimes a back pain is just a back pain. Specifically true when the pain is triggered by certain movements.

11-10-19, 20:34
Ok. I went and hit some golf balls and it did twinge on certain movements.
I am sitting down now and I noticed my back twinges when I make certain movements.

Its not as bad as it was earlier this morning.

11-10-19, 21:05
A twinging back happens to all of us, literally there can't be another human being who hasn't had this at least once in their lives .....some repeatedly and for extended periods....but who hasn't done something which gives them pain with a certain movement ? It could be literally anything that has set it off, there is really no guessing, sitting, turning, moving something, lying a certain way, reaching for something, repeating a movement. Its really nothing to get worked up about.