View Full Version : Persistent twitch half way down the rabbit hole.....

11-10-19, 17:46
Hey all, this is my first post here but a long long time lurker. So last year on December the 1st I experienced a twitch in my leg, it was persistent and to be honest I didn't think anything of it. I love to Google anything so more out of interest than fear I googled why we twitch.... Big mistake I must have done 6 miles around the living room that night haha.
Went to see the doctor and he seemed concerned so he scheduled me for a emg. This twitch turned into full body twitches and ruined Christmas for me :(. Anyway the doctor also put my on citalopram for health anxiety. Iv had health anxiety for years for doctor kindly mentioned I'd seen him 30 times :/ and never actually been I'll...

Anyway I found this forum it helped immensely and I forgot about the twitches.. Got a phone call to book emg and I declined it as this was now June so I didnt see the point as I'd stopped twitching and had no other symptoms.

Last week the twitching started again in my bicep and I thought no bigge and then it was all over twitching again... Didnt worry me at all until it started in my thigh just above me knee and stayed there. It's been 4 days with this twitch in my knee, I still get them elsewhere but it always ends up in the same place... I now have percived weakness in that full leg (hopefully) can still walk and stand on tiptoes etc. But I'm really struggling mentally. I'm constantly jiggling that leg so I dont feel the twitch and as soon as I wake up it's the first thing I think about :( all day i think about that twitch and all day i experience it.
Any help appreciated or similar stories.
I'm 99 percent sure I'm fine but the 1 percent is killing me and I feel like if I stop worrying about it it definitely will be more sinister just to spite me lol

11-10-19, 20:22
Anyone :(

11-10-19, 21:20
Hi, you've had it before, and it went - it was nothing. Therefore, using your logical side you know this is another symptom of being anxious. Twitching muscles are so so common in anxiety states, there are lots of members here right now with threads talking about fearing twitching as a certain symptom of some neurological disorder. Those same people also start referring to 'weakness', and of course, it isn't real weakness just 'perceived weakness' as you rightly point out. Many people have benign muscle twitching (myself included for a few years) and you can guarantee that the more you think about it the worse it will become. Muscles can become tired, nerves fizzled and overreactive to tension states, its just another symptom of how mental health can affect the physical body. Thats it, thats all it is. ;o)

Oh and by the way, this is one condition that has a great habit of affecting your movements/posture/positions (you are already doing it by jiggling that leg!) and then causing more muscle and nerve responses and making it worse. I mean that there are so many on here who spend time testing, doing odd exercises, walking in a different way, doing various stretches and generally stressing their muscles groups even more. You just need to accept it, and let it happen and afford no importance to it. Last time it went once you were distracted and its been gone for months, and it won't go this time until you forget about it and just get on with your life. Similar stories - SO SO many on here if you do some searches.

11-10-19, 21:42
Thankyou so much for your reply :) unfortunately logic and health anxiety do not go hand in hand but I do try.. I have read every single twitching post on here I think lol but just felt I needed to vent my own issues to see if that helped... (my wife doesnt understand) All over twitching I can deal with its the twitch in one spot that worries me unfortunately..
Health anxiety sucks

11-10-19, 22:09
No you are right, logic and HA don't go hand in hand, however....you can retrain yourself to 'relogicise' ( I know I made that word up lol). It takes lots of effort to counteract the irrational, but it is possible by repeating and repeating the true facts every single time the negative come into your head (out loud if necessary). Things like 'but I've had this before, it went before, and it will go now....' need to follow the 'OMG I have a serious neurological condition, I know I have'.

So a muscle in one spot is more affected than some of the others ? So what Dewsy? Its more tired, more stressed and reacting more strongly to the same forces that are causing the ones appearing here there and everywhere. Maybe this particular spot also has more physical activity affecting it, maybe something about your posture or how you sit, or how often you use it, that makes it more fatigued to start with....maybe, maybe....lots of factors and variations. It still doesn't make it something serious. I once, a good few years ago, had my left lower eyelid twitch on and off for 12 months - yep - 12 months. It would go for a few days and then something I did would trigger the nerves again and off it went for a few more days. Repeat and repeat.