View Full Version : Why am I always flushed at night.

12-10-19, 00:02
Normally at 6:00+ Pm I get a flushed face mainly the cheeks. I'm not sure what causes it but I don't want to go on a google trip and find myself more worried than I already am. So are there any common things that this could be?

12-10-19, 14:10
What's up Dim,

Anxiety can cause facial flushing and if you start waiting each evening for the flushing, your bound to notice it more. Changes in certain hormone levels and even taking a shower can also cause this, especially as the evenings begin to get cooler due to the temperature variation from hot shower to cooler room temp. This would only apply if you shower in the evening obviously. Some times people just get flushed. Regardless of the reason it doesn't sound worrisome at all. Relax this evening.

Take care

12-10-19, 15:39
Humidity also tends to rise in the evening and more so at night. Especially if raining. I have this problem.

12-10-19, 17:10

12-10-19, 23:39
It happens to me too. I think for myself it's my natural biorhythm. I don't believe it's anything to be worried over.