View Full Version : cyanide..

12-10-19, 08:40
This probably sounds ridiculous.. I don't know why my HA has spiked like crazy all of a sudden this week after being dormant for so long.. but here we are. I cut out wheat recently and now that it's autumn I decided to make some apple crisp.. using almond flour. I kinda overdid it and ate a bunch and now there's this lingering thought about how apples contain cyanide in the back of my mind.. and so do almonds. So what if using almond flour WITH apples in one recipe made it possible for me to get cyanide poisoning? I feel like I'm having trouble breathing now.. why am I like this.

12-10-19, 08:43
Is there something coming up that you’re either worried about or excited about that you don’t want ruined? Any changes to your life at all? There’s a lot of things that can trigger anxiety off.

Positive vibes,


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12-10-19, 08:52
Actually yeah.. I recently ended a very close friendship I've had since I was like 14 (I'm 24 now) and it's really been messing with my depression. I wouldn't have thought to link it to my anxiety though.

12-10-19, 08:57
Actually yeah.. I recently ended a very close friendship I've had since I was like 14 (I'm 24 now) and it's really been messing with my depression. I wouldn't have thought to link it to my anxiety though.

From my personal experience it’s very possible, plus depression loves to bring other conditions along for the ride. I’m sorry that you’ve been going through a rough time though, although you can use this logic to help ground you with these thoughts. You know that these thoughts aren’t actual threats to you, just the mind being overprotective when there is no need, I do find it takes a good while for things to even out again, but they will. How do you normally manage the depression?

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12-10-19, 17:51
Try to treat anxiety/depression before it messes up your life. As for cyanide, relax , it is definitely not poisoning

12-10-19, 18:30
Seems the nail has been hit on the head earlier with the question about the 'real' trigger for your anxiety. You know the apples and almond flour can't cause poisoning, if it could half the people in the world would be poisoned and there would be warnings on apples and almond flour. Last night I had an apple crumble with frangipane type topping (loads of ground almonds), and stacks of flaked almonds ontop, and I intend to also have the second half tonight - no issues, of course. Your breathing problem is just anxiety. :yesyes: Midnight-mouse gave a great reply above, and nothing as helpful that I can add.

12-10-19, 18:34
Well, I think you all figured this one out. But damn...I want some apple pie now!