View Full Version : I just want to help

24-09-07, 15:35
My sister is suffering from what I believe (in my humble opinion) to be panic attacks. She has a great fear of dying and illness and any pain or headache she gets she thinks the worst. She has episodes where she gets panicky, palpiltations, chest paids. She's suffering sinus pain and waiting to see a nasal specialist, but has herself convinced she has a brain tumor or something. These episodes are getting worse as weeks go by, she has been to doc about 5 times in last few weeks, and even a trip to casualty. Had blood tests, ecg, and x-rays and has been assured all is ok. I dont know what to do ... what can I do to help. Nicely nicely approach, or tough love. Which works best. I feel so helpless.

24-09-07, 16:37
Hello Lily

Neil is right, your sister is so lucky that you are looking for help in helping her. i suffer from health anxiety and it seems that your sis has the same symptoms as me. i'm afraid that it is your sister that is the one who needs to look for help, theres no magic wand that you can wave but there is a lot of information that you can gather to help her understand the condition and i think she would listen to you.

i don't have anybody other then these guys that are willing to help me so again i am in awe that you care and you want to understand.

maybe you should try and get her to have a look on here, i still suffer but am alot better since i found this site as i didn't need reassurance from the doc so much.

hope you find everything your looking for here and i hope that your sister can get better.

good luck lily


24-09-07, 19:00
Hi Lilly

Lovely to see you here on behalf of your sister.

Can you print some of the info off from the website pages for her to read - especially the First Steps post?

24-09-07, 19:08
Hi Lilly

Just wanted to welcome you and your sister too hun, i hope NMP can help your sister on the road to recovery.

love and hugs

24-09-07, 19:13
Thanks so much for the advice everyone, had a little chat with her just before I checked this and think I'm making some headway now. THe only thing is I think she'd rather have a "health problem" than someting that could be perceived as a "mental health" problem, because of stigma attached. People can be very narrow minded etc etc. But she's just being too hard on herself.

Will print off some stuff now to let her know she's not on her own and there are people experiencing the same as her.

24-09-07, 21:41
Hello Lilly:welcome:to you!

What a lucky sister to have you. It will make such a difference to her knowing that someone is there to support, help and understand.

And you will also get plenty of help and support from here - as you have already!

Very pleased to meet you!


24-09-07, 22:21
Hi Lilly and :welcome:

Your sister is so lucky to have someone who cares very much and that will be a huge help. From what you describe it sounds like she may be suffering from health anxiety so perhaps you could show her the relevant parts of this site.

Take care,

Mike :)

25-09-07, 08:01
Hi Lilly,

A big warm welcome to you and your sister. xxx

25-09-07, 16:20
Hello Lilly And Welcome Your Sister Also.......linda

25-09-07, 20:57
Hi Lilly,

Welcome to NMP. What a great and loving sister you are! I do hope your sister does take a look around and perhaps joins too. She will probably feel much better knowing she isn't alone.



26-09-07, 08:45
Hi Lilly

Welcome to the forum, you and your sister will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends too


Trac xxx