View Full Version : Dizzy Blood pressure

12-10-19, 12:35
I have a phobia of having my blood pressure taken. Been feeling dizzy and unwell for 6 days. Yesterday brought a home monitor and BP started at 177/99 but went down to about 145/95 .Monitor is not a good idea, as im tempted to keep taking BP.
Scared , think.dizziness might be my ears.
Also monitor might be wrong!

12-10-19, 12:50
Bin the monitor!

Positive thoughts

Gary A
12-10-19, 13:30
Yip, get rid of the monitor as it’s nothing more than a tool that feeds your anxiety.

12-10-19, 14:16
I was instructed to get a monitor to see if changes in my medicines were affecting my blood pressure.

I soon learned that it can vary by significant amounts during the day, and by which arm you use. Unless a doctor advised you to buy one, don't use it as you'll probably be giving yourself "white coat syndrome", a condition a good friend of mine has.

If you're that concerned, I would recommend that you visit your GP - they in turn may recommend a 24-hour monitor. I'm in the odd position that physical labour actually reduces my blood pressure.

12-10-19, 14:20
I agree, bin the monitor, been down that road.

12-10-19, 14:40
I think a salutary lesson is in another thread here with a pulse oximeter.

12-10-19, 15:14
Bin the monitor!

Positive thoughts

This board is turning you British, Fishman :roflmao:

12-10-19, 15:39
This board is turning you British, Fishman :roflmao:

I've definitely picked up a bit of the jargon ;)

Positive thoughts

14-10-19, 16:22
Feeling dizzy and unwell again today.
Trying to resist using my home bp monitor, as this will make me freak out if the reading is high.
Some of the readings on Friday were high but seem to go down as my pulse decreased.
Have gp appointment on Wednesday.
My anxiety is so bad at the moment..

14-10-19, 16:24
Also have pain in left side that I’ve had on and off for 9 months...