View Full Version : More help just talk me down

12-10-19, 23:00
I’ve had a recent tragedy. A health anxiety trigger. My youngest chihuahua fell broke his neck and died. I’ve cried and screamed for 24 hrs.

Before his death. I had a me that I’ve had my whole life it’s quite raised. Not at all new. I have many moles. AnywAy it became irritated maybe clothes rubbing. It scabbed over. In my grief I picked at it now it’s very inflamed Is thst a bad sign. Hubby says just bandage and leave alone.

12-10-19, 23:20
Awww sad news, sorry you went through that it takes a long long time to get over something like that, not sure you ever do really.

At the minute your vigilance will be super high as something happened that was completely beyond your control... I should imagine it made your brain think that anything can happen in a blink of an eye (which it can) and made it completely more vigilant about your health and things that could potentially have a huge effect on your life... so made you really worry that this mole is something similar.

Your mole is inflamed and irritated as you have been picking at it... let it heal and then if you are still worried about it then visit your Dr.... but I suggest this more to put your mind at rest than because I think it is something sinister (because I don't)

Good luck to you

13-10-19, 05:05
I'm sorry for your loss, Weasley, that sort of thing would cause anybody's anxiety to flare.

That said, picking at a mole and having it scab over is just cause and effect.

13-10-19, 13:46
I’m sorry for your loss, you must be so sad. Remember that you are grieving so every sense is a bit heightened and vigilant. You’ll hopefully feel a bit better soon x

14-10-19, 14:55
So sorry to hear about your chihuahua! That's awful and I'm sure heartbreaking for you! I agree, leave the mole alone and let it heal. If it seems sinister after it is completely healed, have it checked out, but in the meantime, try not to worry about it. I know, easier said than done, but just give everything (mind AND body) a little time to heal.

15-10-19, 02:14

I'm so sorry to hear about your poor dog :hugs::flowers:

That alone is a shock anyone could be hit hard by as others have said. It's a way in for your mental health to try to get your worrying over things but this will pass as you deal with the shock you have suffered.