View Full Version : Swollen glands

13-10-19, 20:52
Hey guys. I've had a terrible few months. I posted on here a few times about my neck injury and referred pain in arms. It still persists but i do believe it is just an injury as opposed to anything nasty. Today I felt like I was finally getting my head straight and then my glands swell up. They were a little swollen last few days but now they are properly swollen. Queue panic mode. It's the glands around my throat. They are sore too. I went to the doctors and he said there are no red flags and I'm probably coming down with something. My girlfriend and 18 month have both had cough / cold last week and now my throat is starting to feel a little scratchy so I hope it's just that but you know how health anxiety works and already thinking the worst. The doctor was asking about my weight and I've lost a lot of weight in the past 12 weeks maybe 3 or 4 kg but I've been on a diet for my IBS and have been really stressed and not looking after myself properly so this is explainable.

I suppose the fact the glands are sore is a bonus and I'm actually hoping this cough gets a little worse so theres an obvious reason and it might help ease my mind.

14-10-19, 04:15
Well there is an obvious reason. You said people in your house are sick and you yourself are feeling somewhat unwell. That's the answer for the swollen glands....

Hope you feel better soon

14-10-19, 05:43
Thanks for that but the slight tickly cough I had yesterday hasn't progressed in to anything at all. In fact I'd say it's gone. So it last literally a few hours. Doesn't seen right. I am really worried about this now.

14-10-19, 06:04
Well what you describe doesn't at all sound like lymphoma or any other type of cancer if that's what your worried about and so that's good.
Just because the tickle in your throat didn't progress doesn't mean that it wasn't the reason for your swollen lymph nodes.

14-10-19, 06:09
Thanks Careful1

16-10-19, 15:36
This escalated massively guys and I could really do with some help. My mini cold / virus never amounted to much and my glands have mostly gone down but I just couldn't stop worrying. I didn't sleep on sunday night and didn't sleep last night, AT ALL. I haven't been in work all week. I went to a walk in centre this morning and the doctor there checked me over physically and said she had no concerns but that I should see my GP. My GP realises there is a huge anxiety issue and has put me on some proporanolol. I really wanted something to make me sleep but she advised against it. She is taking bloods tomorrow and consultation next week. I'm really worried about the blood tests now though. I've felt hot, my gums are achey, today I need to urinate loads almost as if I'm getting a water infection and my sternum has been sore kind of like heart burn but not really related to food. Is this all anxiety? I may still have a bit of the virus. Since Sunday as well everytime I swallow it is like something is in my throat. At first I thought it was a swollen gland but it isn't. Is this globus sensarion? I've honestly never been this bad before I'm having a real hard time.

16-10-19, 16:07
This escalated massively guys and I could really do with some help. My mini cold / virus never amounted to much and my glands have mostly gone down but I just couldn't stop worrying. I didn't sleep on sunday night and didn't sleep last night, AT ALL. I haven't been in work all week. I went to a walk in centre this morning and the doctor there checked me over physically and said she had no concerns but that I should see my GP. My GP realises there is a huge anxiety issue and has put me on some proporanolol. I really wanted something to make me sleep but she advised against it. She is taking bloods tomorrow and consultation next week. I'm really worried about the blood tests now though. I've felt hot, my gums are achey, today I need to urinate loads almost as if I'm getting a water infection and my sternum has been sore kind of like heart burn but not really related to food. Is this all anxiety? I may still have a bit of the virus. Since Sunday as well everytime I swallow it is like something is in my throat. At first I thought it was a swollen gland but it isn't. Is this globus sensarion? I've honestly never been this bad before I'm having a real hard time.

I've had all those symptoms, which in the past I have put down to anxiety. Past week I've also been having like a something stuck in the throat sensation, and heartburn related symptoms such as burping a lot and feeling really bloated/full. Even though I've experienced all sorts of physical symptoms in the past, I'm once again questioning whether it is anxiety or if there's a physical problem. The urinating thing I've also had in the past a few times, which looking back was either anxiety or normal bodily function as tests were all fine. I've also had heartburn in times of severe stress/anxiety.

So yeah, all those symptoms could well be down to anxiety. Hard to accept, I know that too well myself.

16-10-19, 21:54
Why oh why you don't start treating your anxiety. You had swollen glands which are no longer swollen so it was nothing. Now you have some other symptoms, when they go away you will get something else and so on.

Treat the only real issue here which is HA. Take antidepressants if necessary but see a therapist first if you haven't.

16-10-19, 22:15
I have Cbt next week and doctor gave me anxiety tablets. It could actually be a thyroid issue which the doctor mentioned and would explain an awful lot. Hyperthyroidism causes anxiety, insomnia amongst other things I mentioned and would explain the weird swallowing sensation.

17-10-19, 23:11
Anxiety also explains insomnia and weird swallowing sensations. I bet on anxiety.

18-10-19, 00:57
Hypo, You're probably right. I know about that too the globus sensation. Tonight it hasn't been as bad and I've been trying to be less tense in my neck. For the last few nights though I have had terrible sensitivity to heat which has made the insomnia worse. I just cant settle and sometimes it feels like my legs are burning. I think I know the answer here but this can be explained by anxiety too right?

19-10-19, 21:05
I've been getting night sweats the last 2-3 nights now I'm terrified. I've hardly slept the last week my anxiety is so bad and now it's like I dont let myself sleep because I'm scared of the night sweats. My infection was so short lived like 1 day I dont think its because of that but anxiety is terrible. Can anxiety cause night sweats?

20-10-19, 02:50
There are lots of reasons for night sweats and unless your walking up literally drenched and are having to change your clothes and bedding they arent type of night sweats associated with lymphoma. You do not have lymphoma.

20-10-19, 11:40
I'm just having such a hard time at the minute. I can't eat and I literally can't cant sleep. And now I'm scared of sleeping incase I get sweaty. Its ridiculous. You're right my sweats haven't been drenching, I've had these before with chest infections. It's just waking up with sweaty head and creases more than anything. I just worry about not being here for my family.

20-10-19, 12:53
And you are here now for your family? I doubt it honestly, as you are too focused on your own symptoms.

20-10-19, 15:15
Not at all. And I'm fully aware of this.

20-10-19, 19:07
What is the difference then? You are not here for them now, and you won't be if you die. Isn't it better to be fully present now for them while you are alive?

23-10-19, 12:24
Doctors appointment today went good. All bloodwork was fine. My only problem I have now is with a globus sensation type issue but she checked my ears and throat said they look clear and we mentioned how i had an endoscopy 5 years ago which was fine so it is most probably stress related however give it a few weeks.

I have my first CBT session this afternoon so looking forward to that and hopefully I can sort myself out now and enjoy the rest of the year as the last 3 months have been crap.

23-10-19, 13:55
Finally, awesome news!