View Full Version : Foot Falling Asleep???

14-10-19, 16:39
Hello everyone,

earlier this moring, I was sitting down for about 5-6 minutes and when I rose both of my feet were asleep. I wasn't crossing my feet or anything. It was very strange. Also my right foot has been hurting this morning.

I did go running this morning for about 3 miles. No foot pain then but when I got back, the pain started to show back up.

For some reason, I am worried about my foot falling asleep again and my mind is jumping to things like MS and diabetes even though I am an in shape 28 year old male. I am focused on my feet and my over anxiety will probably make me so sensitive to any slight sensation in my feet.

What could this be?

17-10-19, 05:53
Exactly what you said. It could also be some muscle soreness from working out. Or some mild plantar fasciitis.