View Full Version : belching and regurgitation (ewww!)

24-09-07, 17:12

I've had really bad anxiety for the last few months following a real and pretty serious health scare (cervical abnormalities).

a few weeks after my surgery I felt like a piece of food was stuck in my throat . me being me and because of my previous problem automatically assumed the worst and became extremely anxious about it repeatedly swalllowing etc. Since then i've had a barium swallow (all good!:D) but it hasn't gone away. after eating i belch and regurgitate food, i'm still stressed but not really about this anymore - so why is it still happening? has anyone else had this?

i was seen by an ENT specialist who put me on a PPI to see if it was acid reflux - it hasn't worked so he thinks it isn't.

i'm convinced its related to my anxiety (hooray-for once i'm being rational!:D) as it started at a time of acute stress.

but the dr now wants to do further tests and has referred me to a neurologist :wacko:!

so, has anyone else experienced this chest discomfort, belching, regurgitating?

i read somewhere that anxious people tend to swallow air - is this true? please help!

25-09-07, 03:28
Hi Jess
I've had the same thing for ages now.I even used to get it in my sleep and wake up choking.
My dr put me on Ranitide 300mg and it has helped.
I still keep a glass of water beside my bed though just in case.
Phill :shades:

25-09-07, 22:57
I do belch alot and have no idea why - makes sense now lol

Anxiety affects everything i do, even the most smallest things.

26-09-07, 08:28
It is true that we swallow a lot of air too
Phill :shades: