View Full Version : Health anxiety on vacation. Weird feeling :(

16-10-19, 02:21
Hey everyone,

Im currently on an all inclusive vacation with my boyfriend but I’m feeling so anxious. We had to come a day late because I got the stomach flu and had a low fever 37.5-37.8 for 5 days. From last week Wednesday - Friday I barely ate and was throwing up. Saturday I got a bit of my appetite but not much and the same for Sunday.

Monday we arrived at the resort and I actually feel fine!! We had a great time and I was able to eat and not feel sick.

Then this morning I thought I was going to pass out. I have a fear of having diabetes so it doesn’t help either but this morning around 9 we went to have breakfast. It’s like 34+ degrees out and very humid. The restaurant is outside and I felt so hot. We went to the buffet and we soon as I sat down I felt this whole surge of anxiety like a bad adrenaline rush go through my body. It was like my brain was lagging or something, so hard to explain but I got this fight or flight feeling and I wanted to jump up and run out of there.

It only lasted a second but it made me feel like I was going to pass out. It’s so hard to explain but it’s like something feels off in my head. I’ve felt this maybe once or twice before but usually I can stop it before it gets this bad. Today it just came without notice. I worry about having low blood sugar also and it being a symptom of that because I haven’t eaten well the last days before this morning. It only happened in the morning and I felt fine the rest of the day. Except now I’m anxious about it happening tomorrow morning at breakfast. I ate tons today like normal though so hopefully it won’t.

I just need some reassurance and if you’ve experienced this before please let me know! Thank you!! I just keep worrying about it happening again especially being in another country scares me.

18-10-19, 12:10
Hey, I had an all Inc holiday with my boyfriend in July. I had the same weird feeling in the restaurant. Felt really dizzy and sick and overwhelmed and also thought I would pass out! So much so I went back to the room. The next morning I found a table I found less busy and felt better, and we always made sure we got that table the rest of the holiday. I get generally anxious when I'm abroad, especially in the all Inc restaurants cos its so busy and hot. You probably had a bit of a panic, that's what I put mine down to. You'll be fine, it's just anxiety x

18-10-19, 13:54
This has happened to me so many times!! It's pure anxiety. If it happens again just go to a toilet splash a bit of water on the back of your neck and wrists, breathe in and out into cupped hands and qhen you feel better go back to the buffet. If you know that by doing this you will feel better there is no need to fear it happening again because in the end it always passes.

18-10-19, 15:28
Sorry to hear than youre struggling. That temperature is absolutely fine and that feeling that you had is just pure panic and anxiety nothing sinister. I've had it many times before. I was on holiday once and was really ill and my health anxiety completely ruined the holiday I was in bed for most of it. Honestly don't worry you're fine it's just anxiety. Much love!

26-10-19, 03:45
Hello LF87, thank you for the response!!
Im home now and it only ended up happening that one time. However, I would be extremely worried about it happening that I could feel it starting some mornings but I would catch myself before it got to the worst point.

Im glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. I just found it weird because I didn’t feel very anxious before or felt a build up to it like I usually do. So scary at the thought of being in another country sometimes

26-10-19, 03:45
Hello Sial72, thank you for the advice ☺️

26-10-19, 03:47
Hello Andy,

Thank you for the response!
Anxiety can definitely put a damper on things. I ended up feeling great for the rest of my trip. Always scary the thought of being in another country and the anxiety about health related issues